April 11, 2006

Bluebonnet Blues

I've got it bad. I knew it would happen this time of year... when the roadsides in Texas are all lined with heavenly blue carpet... and the weather is Texas Perfect. I have been staying away from the blog today because we've been busy with testing (AM) and I've been particularly down about missing family and home (for quite some time now). I think it is so pretty here where we live that it's almost comical how bad I miss Texas. There's a lot to be said for pink dogwood trees, Ozark Mountains and a solid week of 68 degree sunshine-and-blue-skies! I have no idea what it is about Texas that is so completely ingrained in your marrow... I wonder sometimes if people all over the world have such fierce love for their homelands. I guess that's a silly question when the age-old struggle over Jerusalem still simmers today under the Mid-Eastern sun. My heart is broken - loving our friends here, and yet wishing for home and family.

I doubt there are many Texans who understand what I'm talking about (I hear that many of them never leave the state in the first place).

I've been practicing thankfulness today... praying thanks to the Lord for each and every blessing here - to keep my mind off of the dusty trail leading home. This has been a good reminder to me that our hearts should be longing for heaven in the same way Texans long for Texas. It was credited to Abraham in the Bible for being willing to leave his homeland and go where God led him:

Hebrews 11:8-10
8By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. 9By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. 10For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.

I guess Heaven has to be really special if it beats Texas. I need to be looking forward to THAT home more than our earthly one!

So tonight (while in my pity-pot), I dug up some Texas Treasures to share with you from our photo records. If you are interested in viewing professional photos of the Lone Star State organized by city, hop on over to TrekEarth. I was impressed with what I saw.

God bless Texas, America and the World! May all our hearts be directed heavenward.

Last Spring in the Bluebonnets

Deer in the Hill Country

Capital of Texas - Austin

And you thought Jackalopes weren't real!

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  1. I'm missing Texas these days too.

    Although I'm not a TX native, living there for the last 10 years allowed me to forge some really wonderful friendships. And THAT'S what I truly miss about Texas. And springtime. Spring in Texas is pretty great!
    But then comes SUMMER in Texas...:(

  2. Well, Erin - if you do move back home, please give me a holler! Texans are very obliged to wrap their arms around those who were unfortunant enough to not be born there, but that love the state. :)

    I've seen a license plate that said, "I may not be from Texas, but I got here as quick as I could". I think that sums it up for many who now make the state their home!

  3. I've been in Washington for almost 12 years now and I'm ready as anything to get back to Texas!

    (Except of course that the one friend I made virtually the day I moved up here is quite sad when I say things like that and she IS going to be a good help when I have my kids if I'm still close by...)

  4. Washington State is one of the prettiest places I've ever been... but you are right - it just ain't the Lone Star State. I have been to Washington a number of times as a kid. I particularly enjoyed feeding chipmonks on Mt. Raineer and going to Enchanted Forest when I was little. We drove all the way to Vancouver also, visited the rain forest and some little German village in Canada... and stopped at a glass blowing shop in the red-woods.... those are such good memories! I hope we can visit there with my family some time. I want to take them to see Ye Olde Curiosity Shop's petrified man! And they say it takes millions of years to petrify something! HA.

  5. If it's any consolation, you're not missing much by way of bluebonnets this year... the drought we've had saw to that. Buttercups are doing well, though!

    (Sorry, not trying to rub it in. Y'all come back now, y'hear?)

  6. Hey Glenn! I heard that yesterday from a friend on email about the blue bonnets. That's just too bad. Maybe Texas does miss us after all. ;)

  7. I have the same heartbroken feelings over homeland and family. Only we live in Texas and mine are over my homeland of California.

    Glenn's right the bluebonnets are struggling. And it's 98 degrees!! In spring. We are set for one HOT summer. Thank God we have a pool to offset the heat.

  8. pinksundrops - oooo 98! YUCK. :) But that's what air conditioner is for, right? Today it's going to be 92 here... but the rest of the week, the predictions are highs of low 80s and high 70's. We're getting some clouds and rain, I think... maybe a front is pushing in. The weather in AR is not much different than the weather in Texas. We have mosquitoes and humidity here, too! Certainly not as bad as it is in Houston, I'm sure! My husband said the worst humidity he's ever felt was Kuwait City - 137 degrees and 90 percent humidity! Might as well steam-cook yourself.

  9. Yeah it has been REALLY HOT here. It got to 98 yesterday. And I ABSOLUTELY know what you mean about being so homesick you think you're going crazy. Home is always a part of you, in your core...you can't get away too long without missing it. I know it's small consolation, but you're normal! :)


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