April 04, 2006

Green-Haired Easter-People


Here's a fun idea for a fun Easter craft/project that we did in 2001. I'm sure I mentioned this in my Learning Enrichment list or some part of the Homeschool Series for our first year. The kids still remember doing this, even though they were quite obviously VERY young! The kiddo pictured below is my Morgan at about age 3!

All you need to do this project is:

  • sunlight

  • water

  • dirt

  • egg shells

  • bird seed

  • water color paints

  • paintbrushes

  • a black sharpie pen

  • a basket

  • some plastic Easter grass

  • some kind of tray to hold the water if it leaks out of the shells


After you make scrambled eggs for breakfast (yum!), wash your halved egg shells out and let them dry. I used a few brown eggs and a few white.

Let the kiddos help you paint the shells with water-colors and then draw some faces on the shells (or you could draw the faces first if the marker doesn't leak when it gets wet - I can't remember if it does or not?). Poke a tiny drip hole at the bottom of the shell cup so that the soil won't get moldy.

Fill each egg with soil about 1/2 the way up the shell to the top. Let the kids sprinkle a layer of bird seed in, and then cover with another 1/4 of dirt so that only 1/4 of the shell rises above the dirt.

Set the eggs side by side in a basket that has a drip-catch pan inside it and surround them with fake Easter grass. Set them in a sunny area and watch them sprout some green hair. "Radical, dude!" My kids really enjoyed giving them a "haircut".



  1. SUPER DOOPER cute! Thanks for sharing

  2. Very cute!

    I caught you act at the Carnival, too. Congrats on that. :)

  3. thanks for sharing they are super cute I will have to try that.

  4. Terrible Speller - :) Thanks!

    Rhonda - :) Thanks!

    Mommy to Four J's - :) Thanks! Hop you enjoy it. We loved it. It was hard to finally throw them away. I guess you could plant them in the garden and see how long it takes for them to fade away into the dirt? That is - if you want bird seed grass growing in your flower beds.


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