May 24, 2006

We're Back!

Central Texas Cornfield

Texas in the Rear-View Mirror
We got in last night at 10:30 pm. Nearly 2,000 miles after we began, we returned to our little apartment to share photos, stories, and fresh-baked Mexican Wedding Cookies with Kev. I'm back, but far from "in the swing". I haven't been reading blogs or even thinking of them for two solid weeks of vacation bliss in Texas. Hopefully I can get my list (below) checked off and start posting daily again. I'm a little discombobulated after our lengthy stretch of free time. Getting back into a routine may be tricky.

Bovine Memorabilia and Explore UT
I came back from our trip with some University of Texas T-shirts, but I'm not sure how well they'll go over up here (out of state). I'm not a sports fan, so I don't much care about "the game" (fill in the blank with sport of your choice). I do, however, really like Texas (the state much more than the college)... and the Longhorn is the "large mammal of Texas".

I do really love the University of Texas' Explore UT event they put on each Spring, so I don't mind giving them a little free publicity... even though I haven't ever attended classes there. If you haven't been to Explore UT and you live close enough to go... I'd suggest adding it to your 2007 March calendar. The busses are free to get around the campus during the event. There is so much to see and do that it would take three years of attending this event to see it all! They usually do a K-12 Science Fair at the same time and there are exhibits on campus that run year-round as well. Check out the previous 2006 event schedule to see what you missed this March in case you are interested in going next year. One of my favorite things about the event was the cute little passports they gave out (and the free hats and t-shirts). We got to pet live llamas, weave their fleece, see dinosaur bones, watch robots work, view Science Fair projects, listen to a Dr. Seuss book be read, see the campus and eat there, ride the bus, watch the Austin Fire Department give a live matress-burning and smoke demonstration, make a coat of arms, and more. There was simply too much to do in such a short amount of time. I plan to go back in 2007 if we get the chance.

Honey-Do List for Sprittibee
I'm hoping to get around to some on-topic posts, the blog re-design for my blogiversary, some quotes and excerpts from the homeschool book I'm reading, and the beginning of the next year of my homeschool series (2004-5... the year my kids were 1st and 2nd Grade). In the mean time, I'm enjoying a few more days of "summer break" and we're going to:

  • unpack the suitcases

  • wash the clothes

  • clean the house and vacuum

  • spend some time with Daddy

  • do the checkbook and pay bills

  • wash and change the sheets

  • do some de-cluttering

  • read

  • catch up with co-op friends

  • go to a water party (slip-n-slide) tomorrow morning

  • get organized for school to start next Monday

Tomorrow I'm planning to post a few things on Gathering Manna and I'll put up some vacation photos from our trip around Texas. I look forward to "talking" with you then!

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