August 16, 2006

Wednesday Linkage


More blank homeschooling forms. More blank checklists, too!

33rd Homeschool Carnival is up at The Common Room.

General Motors' GMAbility web site has a section devoted to education. Looks interesting! "The site has news on science, technology and the environment, fun, educational games, and lesson plans developed in conjunction with Weekly Reader." - Nicole Asher (Assistant Account Executive) She contacted me via email and asked me to share the site with "my readers" (that's YOU). Their lesson plans look great. Give them a look-see!

As always, is a great way to catch up on what's going on with homeschool news. Their homeschool blogwatch is a site I visit often (if not every day).

Want to join a blogroll? Nope, not a sticky computer-techish desert... a list of like-minded blogging homeschoolers: Conservative Homeschoolers Blog Roll

Learning Page - Register for free and enjoy unit studies... they have a whole unit put together on the five senses (that we may use this Fall!).

Pictures of lapbooks and notebooks for those of you interested in adding some scrapbooking in to your school year!

Create A Graph - Free visual learning resource!


Want to say thanks to a soldier? Visit this link and Xerox will print and send a card to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq. It's free and only takes a minute to do.

Good old Little Bear and his wonderful history resources: mantle


Need to find a charity-driven thrift store near you? Go here, and type in your zip code or city and state.


Bible Study Fellowship - 7 years worth of studies covering nearly the whole Bible.

Free Kids Bible Study

Adult Bible Studies through


Check out this website for more information on which museums in your
state are participating in free day passes and print out your Museum Day Pass.

Intelligent Design Without the Bible - interesting article by Deepak Chopra


Here are two Spanish links that were sent to me via email:

The Easy Spanish - Like a Charlotte Mason type approach with some
interesting CD's.

La Clase Divertida - The FUN CLASS (which I have heard good things about)


Math Playground

Math Brain Teasers

Math Worksheets

Discovery Channel's Puzzle Maker

Make your own math worksheets

Geometry Coloring Activity

Math Maze: Escape from Alcatraz Ants

Place Value Sheet

Brain builders Math Builders

Make Your Own Math Worksheets at ABC Teach

Math Worksheets and Lesson Plans

Math Worksheets and Printables


Hat tip to "hick" cousin Sara for these twisted sites:

The Hitler Cats (not quite sure exactly WHAT to make of this one!? But it does prove that some people have way too much time on their hands...)

Feeling Old Yet? (enter your birthday and see how old you are compared to famous people and historical events)

Buzz Words: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


  1. I browsed the links and some are not working, so I'll be back in tomorrow to fix them. :)

  2. Hi,
    I recently discovered your blog and have been enjoying it -- thanks!

    Maybe you can help me -- I went to the homeschoolbuzz site but can't figure out how to join the list of contributing blogs.


  3. Love the links! Thanks for great resources :) The two I went to--the age thing and making math worksheets--worked fine. And now I feel old.

  4. Just wanted to thank you for coming over to my blog and leaving your answers for my contest!

  5. Sorry to fall down on the job today. I went to buy homeschool curriculum and teacher supplies today and we went to a movie with the family (today was a day off for Dad). I have a file backing up of things to post in here, so I'm sure I'll be in tomorrow morning some time! Looking forward to it. Now for your individual responses:

    Karen DV - Welcome! I am not sure how to join homeschoolbuzz. I have a feeling you can email the owners of the site... did you not see a link somewhere on the site when you visited?

    Rebecca - The links that aren't working are the soldier link, Little Bear,, and one other one that I can't make out because I jotted it down so quickly that I can't read my handwriting! I'll fix them tomorrow. I apologize in advance to those who have my site in bloglines or subscribe via email - this post will appear twice. I also had to cut comments off on an April post tonight. I keep getting someone posting links to the war in the Mid-East in there... even though I have asked him/her to stop.

    OH - and don't feel old. I'm sure I'm older than you are. ;) I seem to be practically a geezer out here in cyber-land.

    toppublisher (Gena!) - I was admiring your wonderful magazine in the car today between stops. My son absolutely adores trains, so we plan to really have fun with it when we get to that part of history! I keep all of the magazines you send. I think it is just about time for me to do another review! By the way, I am SO jealous that you and Jen's little girls are best friends - what a GREAT shot of them in that cavern. How neat for you both to be able to share friendship, work and kids together!

  6. Congratualations! You were second runner up in the contest and you win a consolation prize!


Thanks for stopping in to leave me a comment. I try to respond to all comments that are made, but sometimes life is busy and I am unable. If you make a point to leave a valid email address, I might just email you back instead!

If you are commenting just to leave your business links, please refrain. I don't allow free advertising here.

As always, please be kind to everyone - any comments that are rude will be deleted.