November 26, 2011

X is for X-Ray


"X is for X-tra PAIN and AGONY" says Morgan. 10 teeth pulled, impacted canine teeth exposed and chained for future pulling, and lots of squishy foods and liquids (without a straw for six weeks). She's just glad that only mama noticed the "instruments of darkness" tray before the surgery.

Now she's feeling much better, thank you for asking. And she's catching up on her school assignments after a week of narcotics and Ensure shakes (yuck).

Her words of advice for those of you about to have this type of surgery? "Don't get your teeth pulled." Ha! But maybe she'll change her mind when her pearly-whites (after they all grow back in) are straight and pretty. Hope so, because dental surgery is not cheap. Until then, she'll just flash you her charming gummy smile and wish you and X-tra happy day!

What letter adventures are you having in your homeschool lately? Tell me your story.

More info about this alphabetical photo meme is below...

Join me at the Homeschool Post for the A B See Meme (an alphabetical photo meme) and a chance to win a prize each month. All you have to do to enter is upload your photos to their Flickr Group or tag them in Pixosphere each week. You don't even technically have to be a blogger to play along... you just have to have an alphabetical themed photo and a Flickr or Pixosphere account!

Here are the links to the past few 'A B See' posts I have done here:
A is for antique.
B is for bugging big-sis.
C is for computer.
D is for digger.
E is for eat... and Elmers.
F is for fried rice.
G is for goofy girl.
H is for Heather.
I is for insect.
J is for joy.
K is for Kreative Spelling and Killer Homeschool Deals.
L is for live music.
M is for matryoshka.
N is for national cemetery.
O is for Orchids and Opryland.
P is for Pregnant.
Q is for quack.
R is for rocks.
S is for street.
T is for Train and Tunnel of Turmoil
U is for unwound.
V is for vanity.
W is for Waaaaaa!

Tip: Use the dictionary to get ideas if you are stumped on a letter. No excuses! Get to clicking!


  1. B is for Baby (this Friday!), M is for Moving (in 2 weeks - yes, we're partly insane) and R is for Relaxed Homeschooling these days :)

    It's been awhile since I've stopped by and that reminds me I need to get writing my HSBA article, but I'm glad that your daughter survived a tough dental surgery. Makes my gums cringe...

    Take care, dear, and have a great week!!! (Would appreciate your prayers as my c-section is scheduled Friday a.m.)

  2. hello!!! thank you for such an incredible post! great job! keep it up!


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