March 07, 2012

Teaching a Baby to Talk the Homeschool Way

Mo and Little Man

Running errands yesterday, I overheard my 13 year old daughter making baby noises to the one year old in the back seat.

"He'll never learn to talk if you don't talk to him like he's a real person and not a play-thing," I told her.

"Disestablishmentarianism," she said - in her best 'snob' voice. Her little brother stared at her blankly. I could see his puzzled face in the rear-view mirror. She repeated the word again.

"It's the longest word in the dictionary," she told him. Then she added, "Thank you for sharing your vast insight to this conversation."

The little guy piped up and said, "Da!"

I guess it will take a few more conversations with big sister to bring him up to speed.

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  1. Love it! I wonder what answers that sweet babe will speak back to big sis...when he's 2 or 5?

  2. Excellent shot and wonderful picture.

    Saint Patrick’s Day

  3. My daughter assures me that Supercalafragilisticexpealidocious is a longer word. But she is only 10 and we aren't planning to home school until summer starts, LOL. Just had to share because my two older daughters, 10 and 7 are working on teaching my one year to talk, heehee


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