June 07, 2012

Funeral of a Blog

After seven years of blogging {June 8th, 2005} I'm finally moving to WordPress... #blogging

RIP sbees.blogspot.com
June 8, 2005 - June 8, 2012

In lieu of flowers, please make sure your links and buttons are pointed to www.sprittibee.com so you can find me tomorrow.


  1. Yay!! Can't wait to see it!

  2. OH, wow...I can't wait to see it!!! But, I have always loved your home here....

  3. I just moved too! Good luck with the switch. See you on the flip side!

  4. CLEVER...I'm about to make the move officially myself. I am beyond scared and completely LOST on wordpress.


  5. Whew! Scared me for a minute there. I think I've been reading you for most of those years. I can't even remember how far back. Have fun in your new home!


Thanks for stopping in to leave me a comment. I try to respond to all comments that are made, but sometimes life is busy and I am unable. If you make a point to leave a valid email address, I might just email you back instead!

If you are commenting just to leave your business links, please refrain. I don't allow free advertising here.

As always, please be kind to everyone - any comments that are rude will be deleted.