My teen boy has a love of humor. When I got this book in the mail, I asked him to review it for me. I knew he would love it after reading the email from the publisher. Here's his take on this hilarious book (that I hesitate to call a book for kids, because I loved it, too):
The Ultimate Top Secret Guide to Taking Over the World
by Kenn Nesbitt
Review by Kaden
Want to know how to conquer the world? Kenn Nesbitt's "The Ultimate Top Secret Guide to Taking Over the World" walks you through the process in 10 ("well, maybe not 10 exactly") easy steps. This book turns innocent children into self-taught tyrannical overlords nearly overnight! Through his carefully laid out, easy-to-understand instructions and slap-stick humor, Kenn Nesbitt instills in the reader all necessary skills to produce mayhem and madness on a global level.
Here are his 10ish steps and the chapters the book includes:
1. Becoming a Genius Overnight
2. Making a Name for Yourself
3. Equipping Your Underground Lair
4. Evil Robots 101
5. Stopping Time for Fun and Profit
6. Dressing for Conquest
7. Of Monsters and Minions
8. Your First Doomsday Device
9. Defeating Secret Agents
9 1/2. Your Evil Trademark
9 3/4. Spending Your First Billion Dollars
10. How to Rule the World
Here's a snip from Step 2, to give you an example of Kenn's brilliance:
"You don't have to be a real doctor to call yourself a doctor. After all, Dr. Seuss wasn't a real doctor. Of course, he wasn't a maniacal villain either, but that's sort of beside the point. Adding a title like 'Doctor' or 'Professor' to your name lends a certain gravitas. (Gravitas, by the way, means weightiness or seriousness, but it sounds a lot cooler.) It makes you sound like the genius you are, as if you've got a PhD in conquerology. And when combined with a wicked last name, the right title can make you sound like someone smaller countries shouldn't mess with.
Imagine being known as Doctor Destruction or Professor Sledgehammer. You see what I mean?"
This book came as a free review item, but it is one of my favorite books that I've read. I love to laugh, and this book inspired quite a lot of laughing. If you have a kid that enjoys humor (and we all need more humor in our lives), this book would make a perfect gift. Of course, if you have any kids bent on world domination, you could speed their conquest of the planet considerably with this DIY guidebook of evil dastardliness. "World domination has never been so easy!"
Disclosure: This book was free, our opinion was not compensated... and we aren't trying to take over the world. Besides maybe becoming the Mayor of a few key spots on FourSquare - does that count?
Great review! My 13 year old needs this book!