What if your 23 year old son (all the way across the country from you), fresh out of college and teaching school in Brooklyn, New York was at the subway one day and passed out... hitting his head on the concrete and having to endure operation after operation on his brain and skull? What if his blood pressure wouldn't regulate itself and caused him to have mild strokes? Can you imagine what you would do if you thought for a moment that you might loose him? This is the true story of what happened to Josh Schieber very recently.
Thanks to the prayers of many who care about Josh (and to the medical team's surprise), Josh is still with us today! He has a great outlook and is trying to build his strength back up with the help of the nurses and doctors that are attending to him. His story is blogged at the link above (click the title of this post), and his family still requests prayers for the difficult journey ahead of him! Please join me in praying for Josh.
I'm standing with you in agreement, Josh - that God will heal you and restore you to a full measure of health and a long life in His service!

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