Staff and Subscribers:
Hi. My name is Kohen. I'm cuter than Mr. Daddy... as you can see from my shirt. This note is to serve as an announcement that this blog has been taken over by new management and: I am the boss.
I have been known in certain circles as "High Maintenance", but I assure you, I'm worth all the effort you'll put out working for me.
I say when my staff is allowed to post. I will be giving them assignments from now on. Most of these assignments will not be blog-related, but are time sensitive and very important.
Such as...

1. Bath time. Hint: wait until after you know I've pooped in my diaper before putting me in the bath. I'm not sure about that yellow plastic thing with eyes that floats around in the water. Please keep it away from me or I will cry.

2. Press Photos. Only staff with one-handed photo-editing capabilities will be allowed to post photos with articles. In fact, one-handed blogging is a required skill now that I'm calling the shots. Just pretend like you have one arm. Don't ask me to feel sorry for you. You're whining to someone who can't eat chocolate. We all have our own problems; don't we now?

3. Keeping the man from blowing raspberries on my belly. Can we say "harassment"?! Note: please tell him to shave. Whassup with the whiskers on my exquisitely soft skin? What exactly is Mr. Daddy's job-assignment again? We don't need any slim-shadies around here with five o'clock shadow.

4. Making me smile. When I'm not happy, 'ain't nobody happy. Not even the neighbors.
5. Food. Constant supply of warm milk should be top on the to-do list. No exceptions.
As long as these and other duties are performed in a timely and adequate manner, the blog may or may not run smoothly. I'm not promising anything, people. I have my moods. Live with it.

I'll be watching to make sure that things are done according to my schedule. I'm a real stickler for putting people to work - making the most of their time, you know. I run a tight ship, but I'm sure that these changes will be better for the blog in the long-run. That's why I'm the boss and you're not.
Baby K
Oh Heather..What a Precious Little Guy!! You are so Blessed! He just made me smile.. and your post.. yeah.. he's the little boss right now! hahah
how adorable! All Worth it right!
I'm so happy for you!!!
LOL! This was hysterical and I could totally relate. My 4th baby just turned 1 and she is still the "high maintenace" boss. And, you're right-ain't nobody happy if they're not. LOL
Adorable pictures of your little guy. We use the same pacifier-did you know they come in blue?
I've got pink and purples for my dd. Holly
Love it! ;) I'm glad you are back!
Best post ever! Love it.
Yes! More baby pics! Thanks!
I love the picture of him smiling!
He is ADORABLE, and this post is FUNNY! Thanks for a big smile. :-)
Heather! That boy is so stinkin' cute.
And girl, are you ever right. Those little ones take over everything.
One of the most uplifting and relative posts in a long time!
Such a clear perspective from the world of a baby :)
oh my goodness is HE cute or what??? And so smart too!:)
He's the boss now and being that he's the 3rd...he'll stay the boss:)
enjoy it Baby K....they are soooo loving spoiling you!!
Chop chop!!! We know who wears the tiny pants of the house, now, don't we?!?! LOL!!! Hysterical post. :D
LOL! My husband and I read that and cracked up so much our sides hurt. :) We want a new baby so bad...and it is funny what you forget about babies when your babies are 6 and 10.
I'm sure glad I don't have him as my boss. He's so stinkin' cute I'd melt and do anything he wanted!! ;)
Kathy D.
I can't get over how much he looks like Kaden!!!
Super cute post AND baby!
Oh he is so absolutely precious! Makes me want to go get Sterling out of the bassinet and give him a squeeze. Aren't babies just the perfect gift from God!?
He. is. precious.
Your boy is so cute!!
I'm expecting my little one in a month's time or less. I can't wait!
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