September 21, 2005

Tracking Hurricane Rita

As if we needed any more evacuees around here... now, the city of Galveston is being evacuated upwards into the state as well. I'm in a coastal area, also, so we're packing up and heading North for the rest of our school week and weekend. I certainly won't be using Priceline to book my hotel, though!

Make the most of this homeschool event if you are interested in hurricanes. Here are some websites you and your children will enjoy:

Do Some Hurricane Tracking and Research

Make a Hurricane Lapbook

For more information about lapbooking:

Stay SAFE and Pray for the areas Rita will make landfall!

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1 comment:

Linda Kelley said...

Glad to hear you're packing up and heading north. I wondered how close you were to the coast. Stay safe. We'll be praying for your state!



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