Sheep Unit Study Leftovers
Today, we're finishing up our SHEEP stuff (and the rest of the week). I still haven't found a Sheep Farm around here. I'm calling the Extension office back this morning and hopefully everyone is back from the holidays. We have a list of activities left to do, including:
Acting out Psalm 23Write a report (copy work) on a favorite sheep breed (kids pick favorite from online site)- Drawing a diagram of a sheep's digestive tract
Discussing how sheep and people are similar (as relating to how the Lord shepherds us)Finish reading "...and now Miguel."- Read story of David's life (how he was required to Trust in God)
- Create a timeline notebook and print timeline figures relating to our unit
Do our vocabulary wordsMake a map of the top five sheep herding states and cut out picutres of the top four sheep breeds in AmericaStudy sheep diseases- Weave a potholder and bookmark
- Compare an owner and hireling (also parent and babysitter)
Read library books- Study natural dyes
- Play a vocabulary game
Visit a fabric store (learn how all fabric - not just wool - is woven)Do our Memory verse for this week - 1 Peter 5:7
AWESOME Sheep Unit Craft
I have a friend who has lived in Ecuador for a year or more, and she has all these lovely woven rugs and treasures. I have been saving a craft up for a few years to do with this unit also. This is probably going to be my favorite craft for the year. It is so detailed and awesome. I got the idea from a Family Fun magazine. I can't wait to make it. It reminds me of my friend's Ecuadorian keepsakes. I found one of the best sheep websites available: Sheep 101 (since we're studying breeds today and mapping the common American breeds). As a side note... you might also enjoy checking out this GREAT animal clip-art site.
Bee's Birthday Gift

My children brought me a birthday card this morning while I was still sleeping. They got out of bed and had their rooms clean, made their beds, were dressed, brushed their teeth, made their own cereal and cleaned up their mess before 8:30am! What a birthday present for Mommy. God is good. My husband has had a gift certificate to Eddie Bauer for over a year now, and we found it again yesterday. He told me he would buy me a sweater and scarf with it. How nice.
Foodie News
Cooking at home every night has its advantages and disadvantages. The former would be health benefits and enjoyment; the later would be doing endless DISHES and cleaning up the mess. It's great for YOU, my little bloggie reader, because I am saving all my favorite recipes on my foodie blog. Be checking in on my website for the latest. I update it at least once a week, sometimes three or four times a week. I am slowly getting my recipe pile-up posted in there. Today's additions will be "Stuffed Green Peppers" (tasty winter meal), "Sweet Spinach Salad", and "Cold Black Eyed Pea Salad" (which almost tastes Lebanese).
Keep Christmas Alive
Hope you all are still enjoying your Christmas holidays. This is our last week to just enjoy "unit-study-learning" without the added Math and Language worksheets. The kids are really enjoying the break!
Happy Birthday, Heather! I pray that you will continue to experience lots of God's presence in your life,and that the coming year will be a good one for you. You've endured lots of trials and testing this year with your moving ordeal. May God richly bless you for your faithfulness, and positive spirit.
I always enjoy checking in on your blog. Thanks for sharing excerpts of your life with us. Best wishes for a fabulous day.
Thanks RG. I actually cooked fried rice and sesame chicken tonight for dinner. :) Glad you liked Pei Wei. YES, I do love friends like you guys! You have a great week, too.
Jan - You are so kind. I appreciate all your well-timed, encouraging comments. You are a great blog-friend! Best wishes and Happy 2006 to your family as well. I hope you are enjoying your new home and settling in there.
Thanks Bev. We may hold off on the field trip since we're cutting it close to our next unit that starts next week... if all goes well. I brought my planning stuff here to Texas this weekend and am working on ORDERLINESS: Rock Classification for our next unit!
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