My little one (now seven years old) learned to ride her bike this week and we took the kids to ride in a newly laid church parkinglot tonight (nice and smooth). The cool breeze was a welcome change from the summer heat - but it is supposed to rain tomorrow. Morgan is riding her bike like a pro (and it's only her second day up on it by herself). She is even starting and stopping on her own for the most part (except near streets when we made her let us walk her). It struck me as I watched her jet off into the distance doing figure-eights around the lamp-posts that now BOTH of my children are only ten years from being grown up... and BOY, that's a scary thought!
I'm slowly cleaning out my links file. I thought I would drop a few of them in here for those who mosey in tonight. I've been away from the computer today. Hey - It's kind of nice in the real world! Nice to have all the blog template troubles behind me for the time being. Here's a big THANKS to Natalie for her awesome job.
Ever wondered what ever happened to Katie? She's the little Texas girl who was taken from her family by CPS last summer because her family tried to seek alternative cancer treatments. She still needs our prayers and isn't completely out of the woods just yet. Click the link under her name and go visit her blog so you can read the updates. I can't wait to see her curly hair - all grown back in after the radiation! Leave her a beep with your zipcode to tell her you're praying for her. I just love her prayer pager idea.CHICKEN
A while back there was an MSN article on the top 10 most popular college degrees today. I thought some of you might like to see what was on the list.
Oldie, but goodie: Great post about priorities... "Stuff that Burries Us" by The Common Room
In case you are like me and like to keep a list... Kids Eat Free
Oh, and don't forget to check out my gathering manna blog. I put a great chicken breast recipe on there for "Badda-Bing" Chicken (from "Cook Something" by Mitchell Davis). I've got a few more recipes to blog in there as I have the time. I'm trying not to neglect that so much (been called a slacker lately by some in the comments section), but with three more weeks to go before vacation; we are cramming to get our Seasons Unit done, our tires replaced, and our bags packed.
It looks like I'll be hosting the Homeschooling Carnival in August. Stay tuned for a final date!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone. We still have school tomorrow, but we'll be off Sunday. I may not be in until late tomorrow night.
Buzz Words: Ramblings, Tired, Blogging, Kids, SAHM, Summer, Priorities, Recipes, Life, Carnival, Homeschool, College, CPS, Katie, Prayers, Parenting, Children, Links, Chicken, Bikes
I enjoyed perusing your blog today. I used to live in the Arlington area. Loved the HS convention!
Thanks so much, Linda. I always enjoy your blog as well. It is very interesting to get a glimpse into Mid-East culture. I particularly loved the post about you sharing tea and olives with the beggar ladies. You write very inspiring and uplifting posts. I don't always comment because I have to sign on to HSB every time and it gives me headaches, but I do stop in quite often.
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