What homeschool year would be complete without ample trips to the park? Recess and PE are an important part of healthy living - even for older kids (and adults). Remember to schedule some fun into your curriculum. We all need fresh air and sunshine as much as possible. Sometimes we get into a book-worm rut and forget to do the outside stuff as much as we should (it doesn't help that we are living in an apartment and don't have a yard right now). I think we'll get outside and have some fun today... and make it a Field Trip FUN Friday.
This concludes our 2004-5 Homeschool Field Trips unless I am able to get a few photos from other friends. I may come back and re-visit this year later on. In the mean time, I'll be gearing up to start our next set in the Homeschool Series... 2005-6 (Second and Third Grade). Check in with me next week when I begin those posts!
If you are interested in seeing previous posts from my Field Trip Foto Friday series, please check the Homeschool Series link above and then you can click the field trip links for each school year (so far, we have three years of field trips posted and a fourth coming up next week!).
Buzz Words: Homeschooling, Children, Homeschool, Enrichment, Park, Healthy, Family, Parenting, Outdoors, Recess, School, Field Trips, Sunshine, Fun, Playground, Walk, Exercise, Living
note to self: check out this website for indian craft...
Totem and Bent Boxes
Speaking of P.E., my husband took my nine year old son to homeschool P.E. at the community center, and ds did Yoga with the older children today! Too bad my husband didn't have the camera! Ds was demonstrating all sorts of weird contortions for me when he got back. I'm wondering what happened to dodgeball this week. Good exercise, nevertheless.
I'll have to bring the camera to some of our upcoming fieldtrips
...you've inspired me to post about some of them. :)
I can't wait to see your photos. Be sure to link them in here when you get them up!
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