We have had a wonderful day even though we haven't gotten our "list" checked off today. This morning I didn't want the kids to just spend time goofing off like we usually do when daddy is home; so I told them that after they finished chores, we could watch some movies we rented about ships and boats. We watched "Lost Ships of the Mediterranean (Mysteries of the Deep: Legendary Shipwrecks)" 1999 -from Netflix. Then we watched "The Pirate Ships: The History Channel (The Great Ships)" 2005 - also from Netflix.
After we ate lunch with daddy, he left for work and we did our prayer journals, prayed for America (National Day of Prayer), wrote our memory verse, and did a bible drill to see who could find it faster (Proverbs 3:5). Somehow, after that... my lesson plans seemed to be "stolen by the shifting seas".
After seeing the shipwreck movie by Ballard about the lost ships of the Mediterranean, we were interested by the cargo of one of the ships and the descriptions of the possible origins for the ships. It seems the ships they found were carrying wine from Tyre (the ancient sea port of Phoenicia) and sunk in the dates near the building of Solomon's Temple. The kids were very interested in Tyre and my son wanted me to read the Lord's proclamation about Tyre in the Bible. We did a word search on Bible Gateway and read all of the scriptures about Tyre. WOW! So impressive (I had read many of them before, but after seeing the artifacts and maps, it was so much more REAL). Morgan asked me if we could make Phoenician pottery when we do the pottery unit. They had awesome wide-lipped pitchers with small ringed handles. We read in the Bible about how Tyre was a merchant city and the inhabitants were called the "princes of the sea". They sailed with the stars and sun as their guide.
The two ships they found were melted away (understandably after all these years) and only the pottery remained. One was filled with bones (preserved meat that would hold them over if they ran out of other foods). After reading about Tyre's Island fortress and God's proclaimed destruction, we searched online to see more about the fulfillment of the prophesy about Tyre. We read a great article about the fulfillment of the prophesy. The Bible mentioned how the "shorelands will quake when your seamen cry out" and then...
Ezekiel 27:32 ~ As they wail and mourn over you, they will take up a lament concerning you: "Who was ever silenced like Tyre, surrounded by the sea?"When I finished reading these verses, Kaden immediately thought of Atlantis. He got out two books from the shelf on Atlantis. One had Plato's account of how they were rich and had many articles of ivory, gold, and copper. He remembered that the account of the Phoenician ships in the Bible said that their decks were inlaid with ivory. We all wondered together aloud if the island portion of Tyre that is now gone could have been the Atlantis that Plato spoke of? The book (Under the Sea by Discoveries - Barnes & Noble) said that people think Atlantis was the Greek city-state of Thera. The Phoenicians had city-states, too. Many city-states had their own "Kings". From Plato's accounts, the stone buildings were also similar to Phoenician stone ruins. Both were revered to be rich and sophisticated cities of renown. I don't think Tyre was the "lost city of Atlantis", but it is interesting to research and read about it all.
Another clip on one of the movies showed a Greek ship that ocean archaeologists discovered which was full of a treasure trove of interesting artifacts. It talked about the dangers of scuba diving and showed the crew sucking the sand up in a big tube and bringing objects on board. They had the floor sectioned off in grids like a regular dig and it was neat to see how each archaeologist was in charge of a square and worked so hard to uncover all of the objects in that one area. One of the neatest finds was an alabaster perfume jar that was so pretty and looked like milky colored glass in the light. Some of the pottery still had the telltale Greek black glaze in tact. Little clay oil lamps they brought up still had charred tips from being burned so very long ago.

Due to some of what we read about strange mysteries at sea in the Barnes &Noble book, Kaden was also really interested in the Bermuda Triangle. He kept asking me to look up a photo of the triangle. Finally, I looked up a map of the area and we discussed the ghost ship without a crew, the missing airplanes, and mysteries that surround the area. Most of that discussion was from the book...
... which in turn spawned discussion about sea creatures and all the countless legends of sea monsters from mariners over time (Kent Hovind's Creation Seminar #3 has LOTS OF FOOTAGE about this - it is a must see). My kids talked about giant squids and possible water-living dinosaurs or serpents that might have gobbled up the crew of the ghost ship. After all, they were never found and only some gear and a life boat was missing from the seaworthy schooner. The kids enjoyed this "spooky" ghost-ship talk. They are so fun. Kaden talked about how freaked out the people who found the ship must have been seeing it drift by without a crew in the mist.
We logged on to Netflix and made sure to rent some more groovy sea and ship movies and we sealed up today's movies in their envelopes to mail them back. Next up is Sponge Bob (totally for fun - even though he does live 'in a pineapple under the sea'). We talked about trusting God and how the thread in the 'Princess and the Goblin' (which we read not long ago) was invisible and how God is invisible and we should trust Him to lead us like little Irene trusted her grandma. Morgan also wrote a pen pal while her brother was finishing up his Bible verse and then they both did some games and quizzes on "Spelling Time" online.
In honor of National Day of Prayer, I got an email from a friend at church about Franklin D. Roosevelt's D-Day Prayer after Pearl Harbor. I read it to the kids. ISN'T THAT COOL???? Not only was it about praying for our country - but it was tied in to our SHIP unit!!! Those are the little details that you find God in (they feel like a pat on the back to me).

After our dinner break (baked potatoes), we read the rest of Pilgrim's Progress. Kaden said he "loved" it. "This is such a good book", he told me. "You like it, hu?" I said as I smiled at him.
The kids sketched the characters in Pilgrim's Progress (illustrated by Robert Lawson) before they got tucked in to bed. They are making bust popsicle puppets out of them and we are going to do a "popsicle puppet play" for daddy of the story (summarized, of course). The KONOS book actually said to make masks to do a play, but we don't have the time, energy or supplies for all of that. We are saving it up for our GeeArt lesson tomorrow.
Morgan water colored yesterday on her day off. Both of the kids also colored in the "Shipwrecks and Sunken Treasures" Dover Coloring Book by Peter F. Copeland. I've included a few scanned of their finished coloring sheets to show you the quality of the books.
I got up at 5:30 to get my day in order... and the kids were up at 7:30 to help me clean up their rooms and make their beds before we did school... I SHOULD BE ASLEEP (I've been up for 21 hours so far...). I feel like I'm going to fall out of this chair. Kev wanted to hear about our day once he got home, so I ended up reading all of these sites to him about Phoenicia and Tyre.
Did we get Math done today? Nope. Penmanship? Nope. No Italian, no Latin... and quite a few items on the KONOS list are NOT checked off for today. We didn't do ONE single worksheet. ALL of us enjoyed learning together today, though - even if we did it in a relaxed manner and enjoyed just being inquisitive. I also suspect strongly that the next time we happen to be in a book store; one or all of us just might go looking for books on Tyre, Phoenicia, the Bermuda Triangle, Pirates, Plato, Greece or Atlantis.
We still love KONOS and studying the unit-study way (after five years of it)... precisely because of how it encourages you to REALLY THINK and link things to the bigger picture and the Lord. Not only that, but we ALL LEARN TOGETHER - no matter what our "grade" or age.
Buzz Words: history, kids, homeschool, ocean, links, education, homeschooling, teaching, geography, learning, science, archaeology, fun, elementary, Greece, Lebanon, Atlantis, shipwreck, unit study, lesson plans, parenting, character, KONOS, creative, family, art, spelling, reading, ancient, Mediterranean, mystery
Great Day!! Id didn't realize you couldget such neat programs/movies from Netflix. We don;t het the history or discovery channel or any of those neat ones- I'd love to get some neat programs like that. Maybe we need to lok into that..
How does one get a GeeArt lesson? Clicked on the link and got http://geeart.com/sprittibee which is not a website. Then went to http://geeart.com/ and only got one page that has something on it: his resume.
Kaber - if you get Netflix, please do it through my sidebar! ;) I joined up with them to be an associate after I found out how many awesome movies they have for school. We've been with them since the early 2000s... like 2002 or so?
Anonymous - I must have typed the link in wrong. There is an ICON (orange) in my Homeschool Links section for you to check out... click it and if you sign up, you get 10% off of the regular price. Their stuff is amazing. You can do a sample lesson for free, too!
Hey, Bee. Isn't this a FUN unit? We loved it! We went to the pool one day to talk about BUOYANCY. We built ships out of balsa wood and floated them in the bath tub. And for the grand finale, we built a big ship in the living room, complete with sails and port/starboard lights. The kids are still talking about it. :)
hey! We were reading about tyre in our Bible study on Sunday. (In Isaiah) My husband mentioned that it was destroyed in an interesting matter -- the city was destroyed by a conqueror (Alexander the Great?) who destroyed the city on the coast and used the rubble to build a "bridge" out to the island so his army could take the island out.
Isaiah talks about how Egypt will mourn when Tyre falls because all the profit of Egypt is on these ships (and how Tarshish would mourn, maybe because the people of tyre had colonized it. Remember tarshish was where Jonah was headed!). And you look at the bible and notice how CLOSE Tyre is to Israel.
Sounds like a great lesson. Awesome drawing by your son!
We did that very same KONOs unit many years ago. Today, my oldest son is a graduate of Kings Point - the United States Merchant Marine Academy - and has a license to steer a ship of unlimited tonage. Y'all can read about his experience at Kings Point as a graduate of homeschooling here.
We LOVED KONOs! I really miss those years.
Hi Bev! :) Yes mam, we are looking forward to the hands on stuff. Already, the kids know what causes things to float - just from the reading and discussions we have done. They are anxious to get in the water, though. :) Hopefully we can afford a day at the pool at a gym nearby soon... and maybe they won't mind if we take our bag of "objects" to float. Otherwise, we'll use the bath-tub for that part.
Thanks for the Tyre info, MBR! Yes, I am very interested in reading more about it. I wish I had my Hailey's Bible Handbook and my Bible Archeology book. They are in storage in TX. :( Can't wait to move home.
Thanks Karen. ;) How are you doing? Where did you end up???
Patricia - Yes, these are such golden years... each one is so hard to let go of. I read your blog and wonder how I will get by when the busyness is gone... it makes me all misty-eyed thinking of it. I already miss those cuddle moments as they are a lot more infrequent with kiddos that are nearing the tweens! I have to pin my little boy down now to give him kisses since that isn't really all that cool anymore for mom to be affectionate and he's only 10!!! I'm glad my 8 year old girl still likes to cuddle some. I guess you get plenty of that with grandbabies. There is a silver lining to all stages in life, I guess... it will be such a blessing to see my kids living for the Lord, getting married, having babies, and grown up. :) You are an inspiration to me.
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