One of the extra perks of GeeART is their Corel Painter Essentials tutorials. Each week the kids are learning things like: how to create digital art, what the different brush tools will do, how to find their tool-bars if the get closed by accident, how to use hot-keys, and how to move your canvas without de-selecting your brush. This information is done in an animated format - through a short movie that helps the kids relate to the characters and understand the concept better. The stuff they are learning will be useful information in any computer program - not just in Corel! Wanna see what you can do with digital paint? Go check out this video entitled, "Speed Painting". It is awesome!
I am amazed at how easily the kids are picking up these new skills and remembering the information they learn. They are genuinely interested in the artwork they see. Some of the things they are creating are just blowing me away. I already knew they were good at drawing... but with these new tools and art lessons by GeeART, they are well on their way to truly exploring art in a way that would be next to impossible for me to provide them at home (without ditching every other subject and spending a ton of time and money on JUST ART). School should not be bereft of good art classes. Every student - no matter how "un-talented" they appear - can benefit from learning about art. Have you been in an art museum lately? The last time I went to one, I saw someone's newspaper in a frame... with a big ink splat of blue paint on it! If that is worthy of hanging in an art museum... surely YOUR kid's stick figures are! Give your babies a much-needed boost in confidence and let Furnace, Tickles and Ruby show them that it is OK to take a risk and CREATE SOMETHING! It doesn't have to look like the Mona Lisa.
Here below are my kiddos lesson #2 'free-time' masterpieces on Corel Painter Essentials (they were not assigned works, they were just for fun after using the Corel Tutorials):

This summer only, you can get the entire homeschool art program (16 great lessons, a ton of PDF projects, all the artist timeline cards, your very own kid art gallery, and Corel Painter Essentials tutorials and license)... all for less than 30$. Click the title of this post or the icon on my sidebar to go see for yourself. They have discounted the program 60%!
Hurry over and start having fun! I'm planning to keep a record in here of each lesson we do and the finished products we create. I'm looking forward to having a lot of artwork to look back on... and a future full of creativity with the kids. Thanks GeeART! We love you Furnace, Tickles and Ruby!
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Buzz Words: Homeschooling, Learning, Art, Fun, Digital Painting, Schedule, Homeschool, Elementary, Creative, Kids, Teaching, Lesson Plans, History, Children, Parenting, Creativity, Paint, Corel, Lessons, School, Education, Review, Computer, Online, Curriculum, Discount
I love your Gee Art. Very talented kiddos!
If I purchase this summer, can I use the lessons anytime? That is a great deal!
:) Thanks Kelly!
Mom@hwtk - Yes mam, you can start using it whenever you purchase your license. Your license lasts for a year... so you have a whole year to play, do each lesson, and even do them AGAIN if you want. We have done lesson #2 three times now! :) It is so good that you'll want to watch them over and over.
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