October 01, 2007

Fall Five Kodak Printer Give-Away

Kodak EasyShare 5300Who doesn't love a great printer? We all need them. They are a necessity in this computer-aged world. Kodak's EasyShare 5300 is a "jewel in a vast field of rocks" as far as printers go. I have one sitting on my desk and have been playing with it for a few days now... and I absolutely love it!

On of its many desirable features is the 4x6 photo paper tray. You can even print photos directly from your camera WITHOUT your PC on. We have been printing digital prints on it this weekend and they are amazingly clear! My camera is only a 5mpx, so this made me really happy. It also has a scanner (which I used to scan my black and white photo below). I'm impressed with the quality (I blew that photo up huge from the size of a tiny negative).

Kodak claims that your photo prints will only cost 14 cents a piece using this printer (cheaper than most photo developers - even when they are running sales!). How do they do it? CHEAP INK. While you may pay more for a Kodak printer, you will make it up on the ink refills (black is only 9.99$ and color is 14.99$). You just can't top that!

So now that you know about this superb printer, how would you like to WIN one for free? Usually I have easy give-aways, but this time I'm going to make you do a little work. The Kodak team wants to see how you use your photos for school projects... so we have agreed to run a contest to get your creative juices flowing for fall.

I've always been a photo-nut. I started taking pictures in my teens and my love of photography blossomed in college during my first semester. I took a black-and-white photography class that fanned the flame into a fire. If my parents could have afforded all the expensive equipment, I would have gotten a degree in photography. This photo is of me and my first good camera:

Digital cameras may be more convenient, but I miss having my pictures in my hands to flip through and put in albums. I have many years worth of photos on my PC that could be wiped clean with one bolt of lightning. I am going to use my Kodak EasyShare to print them all out in case of a computer disaster (those happen frequently for most people). I can't wait to get scrapping, projecting and photo-booking. Thanks to Kodak it is now affordable and I don't have to wait for a sale at Walgreens!

Below are the project choices and contest rules for winning a free Kodak EasyShare 5300 (All-in-One Printer):


1. If you have school aged kids, PLEASE do this project with your kids. Allow them to help in taking the photos and making the craft.

2. If you are a student, over 18, or don't have kids you may still participate.

3. If you are a teacher and would like to do this for a classroom of kids rather than just your own kids, by all means, do it!

4. You must blog a post about your project with photos of the results.

5. You must link the post back to this post and mention the title of this contest in your post.

6. You must leave a comment in this post with your hyperlink for your entry.

7. You must hyperlink this Kodak EasyShare 5300 link in your post.

Here's a quick hyperlinked phrase you can cut and paste into your entry post that will get you qualified (feel free to write your own if you don't want to use mine):

"I'm entering the Fall Five Kodak Printer Give-Away at Sprittibee's Blog. Kodak and Sprittibee are giving away an EasyShare 5300 printer!"

8. The contest will end at midnight on Oct. 15th! That gives you two weeks! The winner will be announced on October 16th!

Five Project Choices for your Entry:

1. Create a Photo Family Tree with your kids. Can be 2-D or 3-D. Use your imagination. Use photos from your digital camera that you print on your printer at home.

2. Do a photo project entitled "What I Love". Kids can take pictures of their favorite things. Learn a little about photography as you go (take unusual angle shots, macros, etc.). Make a collage or photo book of your results.

3. Do a photo project entitled "My Town" or "My Neighborhood". Drive around and shoot some photos of things you enjoy about your town. Make a few scrapbook or lapbook pages and journal on them. Do some computer research on the history of your town and take pictures of the skyline or architecture in your area. Write a story to go with it or captions on your photos. Be creative.

4. Do a photo journalism project for your school (or homeschool). Write an article using your own photos. Tell about your class, a typical day there, your classmates, your teacher, a field trip, or write a newsletter about events going on at your school. You can do this on paper and scan it as a graphic in your post, or you can do it as a blog post entirely.

5. Fall Photos Project - capture the change of the seasons. Go through all your photos and find pictures of the fall. Use magazines to cut out pictures that remind you of fall's colors and make a photo collage. Paint a picture and scan it. Make a photo collage from shots you take in your town that speak of fall.

All of these are ideas to get you started - not exact descriptions of the project. You don't have to follow them exactly. One rule that is mandatory is to capture your project on your blog so that we can experience it with you.

Have fun and I hope you win the printer! It truly is a good printer - and a great investment if you do a lot of printing on a thin budget. Don't wait to win one if you want it that bad! Go buy one from Kodak at the link provided!

Happy Fall, Y'all!!!

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Anonymous said...

I'm late getting into this, but it's actually perfect timing for me. My two oldest daughters and I are doing photography for Keepers at Home. Tomorrow is our second class on it, and I'm teaching photo editing and use of shutter speeds. I've been planning to post photos my daughters and I have been taking - this is the perfect opportunity.

MommyLydia said...

Note: You can also save your photos from a computing disaster by burning them on CD. (and this is a good idea anyway) or sving to a backup hard drive/USB drive.

bigwhitehat said...

Sorry to be off topic:
Are you coming to the state fair?
I'll buy you a corny dog.

The Milkshake said...

Hey I have my post up, here is my hyperlink.

-Tessa :o)

Melissa Stover said...

this sounds great!

Anonymous said...

wow sounds really fun! We are moving the 23rd so not absolutely sure we'll get it done, but here is my qualifying post just in case! http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/curiouscat/402513/


Anonymous said...

I breathed a deep sigh of relief when I realized that this contest started on the 1st instead of ending on the 1st. WHEW! My post is up!

Anonymous said...

Great contest, I just posted an entry, let me know it this works!! My post is My Elk Hunt and Shoot.

Thanks for doing this, have a great weekend. :-)

Sprittibee said...

dawn - loved your photos

MBR - yes, but cds only last a few years. i have one that has already cratered on me.

bigwhitehat - sorry. no gas money! thanks for the offer, though. :)

the milkshake - thanks for entering!!! i'm loving this contest. we already have the printer, but we are going to do the projects anyway!!!

chickadee - does that mean you are entering???

denise - cool!!! thanks for entering!!!

jennifer - wish i had something that interesting to "shoot". you need a zoom lense, girl! put that on your Christmas list. :)

Bonnie said...

One might say that we are not your typical homeschool family :-)
My sweet boys are a little...unconventional.

Thanks for the contest!

Bonnie said...

Oops...forgot to hyperlink!

My post

Doreen said...

Wow, I would REALLY love to win this contest!! Here's my linky: http://doreens-scrap-wonderland.blogspot.com/2007/10/kodak.html Thanks so much!

Melissa Stover said...

we're going to work on this tomorrow!

The Excellent Adventure is.... said...

This is our version of the kids part of the family tree. Hope you enjoy!
Thanks for the awesome contests and keeping our creative juices flowing. I know for me they have been getting a bit stale!

Melissa Stover said...


hope this comment works. i'm having trouble. we enjoyed the contest.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

We were feeling kind of lazy today, but my son was inspired by your contest. I'm grateful for anything that inspires him to write!

Here is his post http://alexhomegate.blogspot.com.

Thank you!

Sprittibee said...





Sprittibee said...






Excellent Adventure


Living By Learning

Anonymous said...

We decided to include our sewing project in the printer contest. Hope you enjoy! We've started another quilt already! It's great to have an apprentice!

My link is:

Anonymous said...

My hyperlink:

Sew What?

Anonymous said...

found out about this yesterday and the kids spent all day working on it today--definitely a fun project and they do so love having a goal! Ours is here: http://www.gracedbychrist.com/?p=1285.

Amanda said...

I got my post and pictures up. I almost did not do it, but my daughter took some great pic this weekend and we have enjoyed organizing them. So we used to pics that she picked out. http://homefrontmom.blogspot.com/2007/10/kodak-printer-giveaway-sprittibee.html

Anonymous said...

Here is the link to our entry!



Amy said...

We really could use a good photo printer. Here's our project. http://perfectlycrazylife.blogspot.com/2007/10/park-day.html
WE had lots of fun doing it.

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Better late than never! It would be SO nice to have a printer with cheaper ink! And this one looks pretty awesome! Here's the link to our autumn photo collage. :D


Anonymous said...

Here is the link to my post at my blog http://miniblessings.blogspot.com/2007/10/sprittibees-fall-five-kodak-printer.html
I am going to give this to my mom for her birthday if I win. Thanks for the contest, it was fun creating.

Jacque Dixon said...

ok..... This was loads of fun.... and what a great way to chronicle our summer homeschooling!! Thanks for the opportunity!
here's my link:

Beverly said...

Okay - it's not perfect, but I'm out of time! Here it is: "WhatSheLoves".

Sallie said...

Oh, I hope I got it in on time.. here is the link..


God bless,



Some posts on this blog contain affiliate links or sponsored links. I receive a small commission whenever a product is purchased through an affiliate link. Sponsored links are paid for by a company who wishes to improve their Google ranking, but I always check to make sure these are reputable sites and never allow any links that are questionable to be placed.

The links in my "Sweet Linkage" section are either sponsored links or personal links that I find interesting (including the links to the blogs that both of my teen children run).

I occasionally run ads on my blog in exchange for money or traded advertising, or receive products in exchange for a review or giveaway posts. I also participate in campaigns by brands that offer to pay me to write about their products after using them. Any post that is sponsored will be noted as such. All opinions expressed on Sprittibee.com are my own, and any review, give-away, sponsored post, graphic ad, or product that I mention or link to are ones that I believe are reputable and worthy companies.


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