January 25, 2008

Are You a Top 100 Homeschool Blogger?

If you are looking to find some great homeschool blogs, I have four suggestions:

1. Click the Homeschool Blog Awards icon on my white sidebar to the right. There is a list of blogs there for each year that we have held the awards. All the winners for 2005, 2006 and 2007 are listed neatly in tabs on the top of the site. Check them out! There are some excellent blogs... and not only that, there are hundreds of links to the bloggers who were nominated and didn't win - you could essentially be reading great homeschool blogs until your eyeballs fell out if you don't watch out!

2. Check out homeschoolbuzz.com for the latest homeschool news and blog buzz. They do a great job of keeping everyone informed over there... and they have a lot of talented homeschooling blogs that they keep tabs on as the posts are fresh off the cyber-press. This little bee is impressed with the buzzing going on over at homeschoolbuzz.com!

3. Click on some links in your favorite homeschool blogger's favorites (each homeschool blog has a list of blogrolls in their sidebar). Chances are, if your favorite blogger reads them and likes them, you will, too!

4. Click the Heart of the Matter "Hearts for Homeschooling: Top 100" button in my white sidebar to the right. Hearts for Homeschooling is a new online homeschool magazine that offers articles every day online and has a full-blown magazine once a month as well. Right now they are just online, but eventually as interest blossoms, they plan to go to print! The Top 100 button will lead you to their list of homeschool blogs - and you can add your very own homeschool blog there, too!

* Update: The Top 100 Button has been moved, but the Heart of the Matter Online Magazine is still a great place to learn about homeschooling and meet other homeschool bloggers. Check them out!

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Steve said...

Congratulations on making this other list!


Ariana Rose said...

I was looking for some good homeschool blogs! lol

Thanks for the info, I'll go check out those links right now :)

Kimmie said...

I haven't been to a few of these, if I get a moment (lol) I will make a trip ;-)

I always wonder what to share about our homeschooling...hoping the Holy Spirit will give me some ideas that can be posted this New Year.

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted

*we have adoption NEWS

Heart of Wisdom said...

Thanks for the lists! Great to have them in one place. I added to Delicious and Stumble Upon.

There is a conflict going on at my blog. I'd appreciate your input if you have a chance.



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