I took my winter reading list to the library with me and checked through the online catalog to see what they had to offer. I have updated my list with the books that they had available. I also have a friend who promised to offer me a couple of the titles when I see her next time. So far we have completed two books on the list... they are marked in italics. I have been enjoying reading more. I have gotten half way through Educating the WholeHearted Child and truly have been blessed by spending some "me" reading time each evening.
Our homeschool schedule has been going relatively well - with a good measure of flexibility. I'm feeling better about getting things done and not beating myself up when there are interruptions I can't control. With January coming to an end, I'm pleased that we are making progress towards keeping 'resolved' and getting our goals met (for the most part). That's about all I can ask of myself and the kids... I'm pleased.
There have been quite a few posts born in my mind from the sermons and classes I have attended, but without the time to jot them down... they are sadly gone. I need one of those little pocket voice recorders so I won't forget things that are important. Especially now that we are adding more commitments to our schedules.
It looks like we are going to join a Contenders of the Faith group and a Lego Robotics team in the near future. Morgan wants me to allow her to do choir again, too. I'm praying that the finances are somehow available for these things to happen - and that we can fit them in our already crazy week without missing a beat. Sometimes fun extra curricular activities can drag your week down and prevent academic success... so I am praying against that happening ahead of time. It has been a long time since we have done a lot of extra activities (there wasn't much offered in Arkansas the past two school years). Now that we are 'settled in' here in the Lone Star State, I am wanting to venture out some and do some fun things with the kids. We need to add more field trips and extras to our schedule.
Hope you are staying busy and having a great start-back-up to your homeschool year, too! Stay tuned and eventually I'll get some free time to get back to full time blogging (that is in case you noticed that I have slipped in to an every other day routine). We are on our way out of town this weekend to visit family and get some much needed R&R. I'm considering taking along a few books on my reading list, some grading to catch up on, and some of those CDs that my swap buddy sent me a month ago.
Maybe I will find some time to lounge around and goof off... and watch some cop shows on cable. We don't watch TV at home, so I usually zone out in front of the TV when we visit Pop. Hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend, too. Everyone needs to have some down time in their week.
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Buzz Words: Weekend, Homeschooling, Life, Parenting, Personal, Kids, Homeschool, Motherhood, Relax
One of the things that drew me to blogging (I've only recently started) was that I can read blogs like yours and feel like someone out there is just like me in one area or another. Or I can be inspired by someone just the opposite of me. You are the former. When I read your posts, I feel like we are leading the same life only you are a step ahead of me. I eagerly watch your posts hoping to glean something to improve my experience and keep only one step behind you. Thanks for blogging so I can follow you. : )
Joann - That is so sweet of you to say what you did... however, I would rather you follow Jesus and do whatever He leads with your family. Heaven knows I am a broken vessel and often find myself out of line with His perfect example! Just yesterday I yelled at the kids and had to apologize. There's no excuse for that. I want people to see the "real" side of who I am so they know that I am a sinner saved by grace... fearfully trying to follow a Holy God.
Also, a great list or lesson plan doesn't mean we always stick to our schedule and accomplish it. Many times we post lessons we are planning here and we may check off only 1/4 of the items in the amount of time I have allotted. There are some weeks when I only get two of my assignment sheets fully checked off - thus dragging my units out WAY beyond the proposed KONOS timeframe. Wade and Jessica Hulcy call this "rabbit trailing" and are very outspoken about how it isn't the best way to "get to your destination". That is why I recently have been working hard on trying to eliminate goof-off days, get up and start school earlier, and be a good example myself with preparations and efficiency in my home.
I'm not perfect. It takes all God can dish out each day to keep me moving forward... it is certainly not on my own strength! ;) I give all credit to Him.
Oh boy don't I wish we all had time to lie around!!!! Hahah oh so much to do, so little time.
Thanks for your sweet comment. I am not much into tea, more of a coffee person, but I was really touched by your comment. ((HUGS))
I think things may be settling down. Although I still have some more articles to write and hope I can get them done.
Thanks for the comment!
Our neighbors have formed a Lego robotics team and have done quite well - it's a great outlet for their young minds!
Cost Benefit Jr.
a homeschooling economics curriculum
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