We had a blast last weekend at the co-op art fair. My kids and I went through three years of artwork and they picked their favorites to display on their tables. Some of it was art done on the backs of church prayer cards, some sketches on notebook paper, a couple of paint-by-numbers, and some "real" artwork that covered entire sheets of cardstock with vibrant color. Anything you could create was fair game: a crossbow, a shawl, a poem, a dinosaur fossil replica! We had over 20 kids participate. Our co-op is rather large, so it is sad that less than half of the children entered the fair.
One of our moms created comment sheets for everyone to write on as they stopped to look at the art. I know my kids treasure the encouragement and kind words. What a great way to spur on your children to make more art and feel more confident that what they create really matters! I'm going to get some Crown art awards (art medals) for the children that participated and hand them out the next time we all gather together in a large group (kind of like an informal awards ceremony).
One of my favorite pieces of art was a watercoloring by a preschool child of a "choo-choo train". For some reason it really made me happy! Art is like that - it just makes you smile inside looking at the expressions of beauty that people can produce. Creativity is one of our most wonderful characteristics... the very DNA of our creator.
Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better. ~ Andre Gide (1869 - 1951)
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Buzz Words: Homeschooling, Encouragement, Art, Fun, Painting, School, Homeschool, Art Fair, Creativity, Kids, Teaching, Self Esteem, Color, Children, Parenting, Photos, Paint, Fossil, Lessons, Education, Poetry, Enrichment
Oohhh ahh very nice! :) It looks like y'all had a great time at the artfair! ; )
What a fantastic idea, you are so lucky to have such a group!!
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