It took me two days to get to my own post on the Blog Party Linky. I can't imagine I'll get that much visits from the party when it took ME 2 days to get there. Maybe everyone else isn't quite as anal retentive as me... and knows when they have had enough of a good thing?? I mean, there are other things to do besides read great blogs, right? Help me here.
I'm thinking I'll have to quit at #121 for now. That's me, folks - #121. I think the total number of participating blogs is now up to 958 or some crazy number like that. And it took me two days to get to #121. Yeah, like my goal to comment on almost everyone's blog is going to be a realistic one?! Sha! Right!
I am at a crossroads here, people. It is either...
1. Homeschool, Eat, Sleep, and have a life...
2. Read and comment on 958 blogs this week.
Which do you think will win out? Only time will tell. I guess you'll have to come back and check on me later to see if I went blind this week from staring at my monitor.
In other important and neglected news this week... My kids made the cover of HOTM (Heart of the Matter Online Homeschooling Magazine) - see photo below. And if you need some more to read this week besides tons of introductory party posts (some of them rather clever!)... you can check out my book review of "The Organized Homeschooler" by Vicki Caruana (available only in the print/pdf version at HOTM) over there... or read my March Article on "Weapons AGAINST Mass Distraction".
The photo in this post (below) is the cover of the HOTM March Issue and is of my sweet babies at Petit Jean State Park in Arkansas last Spring. Man, I miss the lovely scenery up there. Although I am actually a Texan at heart, I certainly loved living up there and think maybe Tejas should just annex it so we can call it home, too! They wouldn't be loosing out since we don't have state income tax or produce tax down here. However, we would probably ruin their pristine Ozarks with billboards. I hate billboards.

Also important, please pray for Robin Sampson of Heart of Wisdom. Seems she had some trouble with her heart (and what a sweet heart it is) this week and had to be rushed to the hospital. We are glad she's ok! Pray for her to have a swift recovery, please! She's an inspiration.
I guess it is time for me to turn in to a pumpkin - daylight savings is kicking my hiney. Have a blessed week, all! Don't burn your retina to a crisp on the Blog Party! Here's a tip: Use a kitchen timer and limit your blog reading this week (if you are insane like me and get sucked in to the whirling vortex of blogdom, that is!).
Oh, and by the way - Sweet Jocelyn kindly took me off the list to host a carnival tomorrow... so I won't actually be hosting the Homesteading Blog Carnival! You can check with Jocelyn to find out where it will be located! I think she could sense the panic in my email about this month's schedule and she took pity on me. Be looking forward to me doing it in the summer months - once the calendar frees itself up, school is out and the laundry isn't creeping out of my hallway. You are a dear, Jocelyn! Sorry for being such a busy scatterbrain!
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Buzz Words: prayer, blog party, fun, friends, networking, moms, women bloggers, personal, crazy, blog addict, insane, writing, kids, mommy, parenting, silly, March, overload, blogging
That is SO neat! Your kids must've been so excited to see themselves on a magazine cover! Thanks for visiting me - lucky for me I was before number 121, huh? Oh, and the reason I need more than one reason to procrastinate my chores is because I have TOO many chores!
What a great picture of the kiddos! You are a blessed mama.
And I must admit, you are a braver woman than I. I have not even started to read the blogs. UGH. No time! I don't even have a clue what the prizes are.
Hi, Thanks for stopping by my site. Love the pics of your kids on the magazine. Several years ago I sent a picture of my girls in to a local parenting magazine and they made the cover...they thought it was so cool.
Oh who needs food anyways LOL.. keep partying. LOL.. I don't think I even made it though 121 post yet.. I did 1-20, then 100-120 and 200- 210 and that was it.. Now I'm trying to work my way though the 50 some comments I got over at my party.. This needs to be a month long party not just a week.. either that or I need to send DH and the kids away and lock myself in a room with the computer for the whole week..
Congrats and how exciting that your children made the cover that is wonderful and they look so cute.
i am in the same boat, Heather. just can't get around. plus my finger is all wonky and typing is not going well.
living life gets my vote.
but first I had to come over and say hey!
wow seeing yourself on a magazine cover has got to be the greatest thing in the world. :) and thanks for dropping by Pajama Mommy. i really appreciate it.
I have no life so I can't help you there. LOL I could actually sit here and comment on 980+ blogs, but for you I'd say go with having a life. :)
Heather, you are hilarious. I love the feed cartoon.
I am a lurker. I have you on my feeds already, but rarely comment. I found you a couple years ago (I remember your move the the apartment and the ordeal of trying to sell your home) because I was looking for KONOS resources. You are a waaay better KONOSer than I am girl!
Anyways, I found it funny that you are reading through the blogs in order. You'll NEVER get to mine that way...I'm in the 600's *sigh*
I think I like blogging, but actually, I enjoy reading about other peoples lives...which is why I have you on a feed. =) I guess I need to post more often to get people to decide they want ME on a feed. It is a vicious cycle...
Anyways, I hope you'll stop by mine in spite of the fact that I did not make the top 100. I like your advice about a timer...I probably need to follow that even when there is NOT a blog party. =)
...and your kids are so sweet. How fun to see them on the cover of a magazine!
Be blessed...off to tend to my sick (again) kids today.
Haha I loved the comic! how funny!
And you have cute kids. :) I am glad they were selected.
I had to comment before I even finished your post lol! You have made me laugh again. I was just in process of adding more blogs (only had 2 before now) to my google reader. Now I'll go finish up :D
Thank you for your prayers. I'm home from the hospital a little late for party. Come visit my "I Almost Died and Would Have Missed the Blog Party" post. :)
I like your blog! It's so positive and encouraging... (heh, like the KLOV radio station) Thanks for stopping by my place. I haven't checked lately, but there are over a thousand party goers. That's totally the biggest party I've ever been to. Couldn't you delcare it spring break and continue blog hopping?
I've been having trouble just visiting the blogs of the people who've visited me. Last time I looked at the blog sign-up it was still only at about 400 people!! Great picture of your adorable kids!!
Your kids make the perfect cover models! They're adorable!
Okay, I thought you were much more random than that, my Bee Friend! You don't have to read them in order - jump around a bit - start in triple digits, then back to double, triple again, and to a single. It's fun & easy and then you can't compulsively keep track of how many you've visited versus how many you haven't. :D
What a great photo!
I totally relate to the scheduling issues and not reading all of those blogs. I'm having trouble keeping up with my RSS feeds right now.
Wow! That's all I can say! I'm very new to the world of blogging, and I have alot to learn....I'll be back often! I hope you'll visit my site!
Number 121? Hah!! How about #1256? Rotten flu. Maybe someone will have pity and visit the girl last in line ;)
The picture of your kids on the new HOTM is so sweet. You must be a proud mamma.
Kathy D.
That's a great picture of the kids! How neat!
Cute post. :)
"Death by blogging"...hahahaha It is very addictive isn't it?
Thanks for stopping by. I enjoyed your post adn I look forward to reading your blog agian. I have been considering homeschooling my little girl. However, I know NOTHING about how to even start, so I may have to get some info from you ;)
What a great picture, your kids are adorable. You must have changed your mind about reading more blogs, have you really read all the way to mine, #1300?
Great to have "met" you!! I'm so glad you stopped by my blog. I have to come back when I have more time. We started homeschooling this year (for Kindergarten) and I've been stressing out over not knowing what to use for 1st grade. I will have to come back here to do some reading and get some recommendations (I can't wait to look at the field trip lists!) :-)
I'm so new to this Blog Party thing I'm finally getting the hang of it! I'll have to go back & check where I'm at, but if you're #121 I must be at the end of the earth! Thanks for sharing!
Cindi ~ moomettesgram
Thanks for stopping by my site, and I know what you mean about reading sooo many blogs, I am about to get a computer headache!! I also plan to homeschool my boys, we plan to start in about a year, but are already doing some fun learning stuff!
Fibber! You came and visited me;). I am sorry I haven't dropped by in a while. I am over 300 posts behind in my homeschooling blog reader alone, over 1800 all together;). Now that is a lot of reading;). Now are you associated with Heart of the Matter or is this a 1 time thing? The kids are adorable.
You must be making some progress since you got to my blog and I am number 1206! Congrats and thanks for visiting my blog! Your kids are gorgeous!
Your articles rocked... seriously. You should put them all in a book.
much love.
Congratulations on your children making the cover. And for what it's worth, thanks to the whole flu thing, you made it much farther on the linky list than I did. *sigh*
Unbelievable getting to read sooooo many blogs and "meet" other mom's out there who are doing alot of the exact same things! We are a homeschool family in the Fabulous Florida Keys and we LOVE to see blogs about other homeschool families - we too love to garden and enjoy sending little items back and forth with others to learn about different areas!
Have fun blogging - I for one know that "mt. laundry" will still be there after the party is over ;)
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