Sorry for the lag time in here, but I thought I would throw you an update real quick before I'm sucked into the time-space continuum of this weekend. [I can't believe that I spelled that word right on my first try.]
Yesterday was amazingly busy. Aside from the umpteen-million emails I've been sorting through with HSBA [...which is getting a face lift soon - shhhh! Don't tell anyone I told you.], our local co-op, etc... we managed to get a MSBC homeschool day accomplished. Wanna see what we did?
Check it out:
Bible reading
Prayer Journals
Pray for our day
Devotional (on Samuel)
Timeline cards
Pen Pal letters
A Beka Penmanship
Science Reader
Visualize World Geography (current event on Pakistan, map on Pakistan, facts on Pakistan & review)
KONOS: Worksheets about Tabernacle, Breastplate, Priest Clothing & Read about/view online
Paste seasons graphic in journal (on earth's rotation journey)
Free reading
Robotics for 1.5 hours
Help mom teach K-1 Bible Class about Great Commission (do artwork craft w/ other kids)
The only things we didn't finish were our family read-aloud and PE (the nature walk).
Oh, yeah, baby! This new schedule rocks. You know what we changed? We made sure that chores were done at NIGHT (no morning chores any more besides bed/dressed/eat) and we make sure to PRAY FIRST. You would think my skull wasn't so thick that I would have already learned that in the past seven years of homeschooling... but I kid you not, people - there are homeschool moms like me that still struggle with even the most basic concepts - after 7 years of being in the trenches. There, now my secret is out. The tabernacle is a great thing to study about when you are feeling like a failure (I'm going to write a devotional on it some time soon). Just imagine the pillar of fire and smoke by day and night leading you - the walls of water standing tall beside you as you pass by through the dry bottom of the sea on foot... and then.... you... BUILD A GOLDEN CALF. Ahem. I think it is human nature to err. [Again I can't believe my spelling skills. My son is a great spelling teacher. He may have really begun to help me get my act together. I really think that he's the teacher and I'm the student sometimes.]
So with that as our day yesterday, we got home at 10:30pm after a late dinner and a stop at the grocery store for milk and catfood... and went to bed just before midnight. Today is off to a late start due to our bedtime challenges, but we are working on getting something accomplished. We're doing school Lite and are thrilled to have a little 'out-and-about' detox. Tomorrow we have Robotics meet, States & Regions Planning with a KONOS buddy, and a slumber party for my little girl to attend. Saturday we have a competition to go to for my son. Sunday we have our usual extremely busy schedule and a potluck lunch and dinner to cook for as well. I think I signed up for a poppyseed cake. Hopefully, come Monday, I won't be wishing I could have another weekend. They are altogether too short, aren't they?! [There - I finally misspelled something... alltogether. That's more like me!]
Have fun doing what you guys do best - whatever that may be. I'll see you tomorrow in here with a Field Trip Foto Friday!
Have a super day!
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Buzz Words: homeschool, family, parenting, teaching, Bible, children, elementary, KONOS, getting things done, lesson plans, life
Sounds like a wonderful day!
I'm glad the new schedule is working out. I think we need a new one at my house too. I like the night chore idea...it is so easy for the morning to get away from us.
Have a great day,
I think we need a new schedule too. On some days I'm rushing and hoping we can be finished before we move. Other days I'm just ready to stop and to heck with it if we have another month to finish after we arrive in NC. Ce la vie!
Your pics are great... what camera do you use? Though, for the most part, I'm convinced its 90% operator and 10% camera :-)
God bless,
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