Just a friendly reminder for the contest and a graphic for you to share! Miss Jocelyn created me this cute little graphic and I hope you'll consider sharing it on your sidebar for a week!
I will give you an extra entry in the contest if you put my clickable button on your sidebar! Leave me a comment after you have it up and working properly.
Make sure and link it to the contest post:
URL to Link
To save the graphic, simply right click and save it to your computer - then upload it to your own blog/graphics hosting program. Please don't hotlink!
Hope you are having a super Sunday.
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Buzz Words: Scholastic, kids, homeschool, elementary, contest, education, homeschooling, free, win, school, back to school, fun, study, parenting, math, science, games, children, family, subscription
Girl..what a week! The pics are so cool and I do hope that the "pee" is flowing....I remember having number one and NOT being able to pee because of the catheter...OH MY WORD...I get ya!
Good week ahead!!:)
prayers going up!
:) Thanks Lori! I'm peeing fine! LOL I still appreciate the prayers. Kaden's going to get his tooth crowned Tuesday! He's dreading the gum-shots.
Hi! Where am I supposed to leave a comment to let you know I added your button to my sidebar? Here? Or, on the "original" giveaway post?
Happy Monday!
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