It seems like lately all I can get done is feeding the baby and making sure we get our meals and snacks taken care of at home. Not that I am complaining, eating is important... but it seems like I should be able to get more done than just that. Well, OK, we did get some laundry done, the bills paid, bath time for baby, dishes and picking the house up, and some thank-you cards written. I even managed to get my menu for the week typed out.
I'm learning that perfectionism is a thing of the past. Not that I actually was perfect before the baby got here. But I always thought that if I just checked one more thing off on my mile-long list I would be closer to it.
I'm trying to focus on my new super-powers and let go of the ideals I had of how baby was going to fit-right-in to our schedule and allow me to continue getting things done 'as usual'.
Yes, I actually thought that. You can tape that "kick me" sign on my back now.
Oh, well. At least we are fed. Time to nurse the baby and get in bed so we can eat again tomorrow. I'll leave you with the link to my menu and get back to making milk:
Menu Plan for May 4-10, 2009
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Buzz Words: milk, food, eat, humor, menu plan, planning, babies, mommy
Happy eating, my dear bee friend! :D
I always dubbed my self the ORIGINAL Dairy Queen! Hang in there! It will end before you know it and you'll long for those snuggly times again!
honey....I'm working on a song...
You may know the tune...
dum, dum, dum....another perfectionist bites the DUST...
dum, dum, dum...another one bites the dust...and another down and another one down...ANOTHER one bites the dust....YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
I bit the dust about 9 years ago...you learn to embrace the new imperfect version of yourself...well, that's what they tell me!:)I still try and fail.(lol)
Love you....
You and the hubs need to try WONDERTWIN POWERS ACTIVATE...:) hmmm...what's his power??? lol!!
HA! is right! Aren't we funny moms to think things will actually get right back to normal when there's a newborn baby in the house?! I've thought that many many times - nine to be exact - and I'm still waiting for things to get back to normal *wink*
Enjoy this milk making season....it really does go by quickly!
Tammy ~@~
funny T shirt I think all breastfeeding mom should wear that badge of honor...
Ah, but you created a human.
That in itself a super power. Give yourself some time. I'd just be a milk truck for a couple months and start back up in August.
He looks so tiny in your lap. Such precious and fleeting days!
Great t-shirt!
I am SO in your world right now! Yesterday was my first extended time apart from my almost-9-month-old MilkDud, and still, all I thought about was feeding him what with having to sprint to the car to pump every 3 hours (seriously, who ever thought 3 hours could go by so fast?).
It was such fun to meet you yesterday! Your little guy is beyond gorgeous! I'm sorry we didn't have more time to visit...won't heaven be grand when we can just fellowship for eternity?
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