July 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Wall-E and Eva the Tomato Snatchers

I lied. This post isn't wordless. You know me by now, though. It's real hard for me to be wordless with a keyboard in front of me.

So I have this little garden. Out back. And this year my prize crop is tomatoes. I love tomatoes. Sliced with salt and pepper... chopped up in tacos...

Tomatoes are wonderful in most anything you pair them with. Besides chocolate. Of course.

I pick'em and set them on my window sill to ripen up.

Only... Wall-E and Eva are lookin' real greedy up there...

Rogue Robots! Hands off my maters!

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Mozer said...

LOL! Great photos and I love your humor. I have a hard time posting Wordless Wedneday photos too. In fact my post turned into a tutorial. So much for no words ;)

Jen said...

ROFL! Tomato stalking robots :)

Amy said...

Too funny! You crack me up.

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Yep. Confirmation that there's nothing wrong with your lens. Great shots, Heather!! So cute with Wall-E and Eva!!

Come see my close-up of a waterfall.

Terry said...

Great wordless Wednesday post.
This has been a great year for tomatoes in our backyard.
Have a great rest of the week.
happy Trails

Anonymous said...

Even with drought here were still getting tomatoes. If the kids don't eat them off the vine first.

MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

Growing up, my Korean grandmother would cut tomatoes into wedges, sprinkle them with white sugar, and serve them to us as a delicious snack! Mmmm....

~yolanda said...

Hi Heather! I saw your request for Texas
Homeschool bloggers. I am one. :)



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