So much to say today! I just don't know where to start!
First of all, I WON A TAMRON LENS FROM I HEART FACES!!! Holy moly. I never figured I would win the contest, so I was completely shocked when I started getting your comments on my last post. Maybe my husband will quit nagging at me for wasting time blogging now.
Can't wait to get the lens and play with it! I'm sure there will be photos to come!
I've been a bit out-of-the-loop with our weekend with family and the homeschool conference, so I am unable to get regular emails sent out from my Outlook... but trust me, I'm reading every one you send me. I'm sure you'll get some delayed responses from me after I return home.
The conference was overwhelming (it was my third real-life one this year). I couldn't believe how many people were at the Homeschool conference in Houston! Man, alive. I nearly got run over by herds of teeming homeschoolers. We left early because they took my stroller away and I ended up spilling an entire Starbucks coffee into my diaper bag.
Unlike mama, who got a bad attitude after the coffee incident, the baby did great. He was in such a happy mood. He fell in love with Marshie and picked up another chick at the restaurant in the Marriott. Seems he's a genuine flirt, that little 'cheese stick'.

This is the waitress that made Kohen his first REAL applesauce. She had her chef puree two apples and sent out a little bowl of it to our table. She just wanted to hold him. So Marsha took some pictures since I had forgotten my camera. [Yes, you can kick me.] The big window provided the most amazing soft portrait light.

Unfortunately, the amazing portrait light didn't take off 20 lbs. or remove wrinkles. Here's the lovely Marsha, the chunky baby, and the frumpy bee... complete with punkrock hair.
That photo was taken just after I got Sally Clarkson's autograph. Aren't you jealous?! She is the bomb, y'all. I was amazed when she told me that her husband wrote most of "Educating the WholeHearted Child". Of course, her lesson I wanted to hear was on 'enduring to the end of the day'... and that's the one that I left in the beginning of (kind of ironic). Maybe I'll order the video or audio from THSC.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This one is talking to me. It's a little blurry, but just look at the details:
1. The rogue coffee cup that killed the rest of my conference day also stole the focal point.
2. I wish I could afford to stay in hotels like that. The lobby was gorgeous. They even had LOTION dispensers in the bathrooms. There's something about wide expanses of glossy, sunlit marble that makes you feel RELAXED.
3. Morgan got to be in the picture because she's "a blogger, too". Sometimes I forget that she's 10. She one of my best friends in the whole world.
4. In love with that fabric. I could have just moved in to that lounge. Permanently.
5. Marsha looks great in dresses. Note to self: need to wear dresses more often. Marsha would have looked great in jeans, too, I'm sure.
What you can't tell from the picture above is that we are wearing our BEE shirts. You can see a close up of the baby's shirt below...

Yes. He's cute. And he's MINE. I'm so greedy. I know.
I've been meaning to get everyone in the shirts and get a photo taken. However, getting the laundry, the kids, and the blog ideas lined up is like waiting on a comet to make it's rounds through the galaxy. So here you see us all in our bee shirts (minus the boy - who actually DID wear his shirt, but is not with us at the conference).
Here are the graphics from our shirts:

Aren't those cute??? Of course, my "Unique" shirt is hot pink... but you get the gist. Wish I had thought of them! They are adorable and the kids love them. I love the onsie that baby bee wears the best.
So I guess that sums up the weekend. Happy stuff. Friends, family, homeschool conferences, cute babies and shirts, organic applesauce, and a Tamron lens. Oh, my!
Hope you are enjoying your weekend, too! See you when I get back to the regular routine!

Photo credit: Marsha Drews
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Buzz Words: conference, shirts, friends, homeschool, parenting, photography, motherhood, lenses, Houston, book fair, homeschooling, happy, bloggers, baby
YAY! I"M SOOOO EXCITED YOU WON! :D Its so awesome to win things! ;)
Baby Bee is so cute and getting so big! Miss y'all!
glad you had a great time with Marshymallow. I hope we get to meet her soon!
Hugs and Loves!
Eeeee! I am still so excited about your lens.
Too bad about your coffee-- if you drink yours as sweet as I drink mine, I can only imagine the sticky mess of it all!
Awww... seriously, you have the best kids. I lerve them.
You totally deserve winning that lense Miss Bee. So you go on with your bad self and post some super hot pics when you get to play with it.
Congratulations on winning the lens!! How exciting for you! :)
*huffs* I wanna meet Marshimallow!!! great photos, especially Kohen. Love that shirt!
Congratulations! And my four year old is standing next to me saying, "Hey! That's my Mudpuppy! What's that lady doing with my Mudpuppy?!
Looks like you all have been busy ..
The baby is simply too much fun !
We miss you guys !
I am just so happy for you over winning the lens. Now you'll have to stop making excuses and enter the iHeartFaces competitions!
Oh, you don't know how much I would love to meet you and Marsha. There you were together — how fun for you both!
Do you believe we still don't know about my son and UTD and freshman are supposed to arrive next Saturday? Crazy.
Congrats on winning the lens - look forward to seeing some pics w/ it in action! ;)
congrats!!!! from Tamron. We are sure you will enjoy it!!! stacie
Congrats!!! Can't wait to see your new images, when you get it!
So, cool you got to meet Marsha! I was suppose to be at the Homeschool conference, but MOVING got in the WAY! AND I was suppose to get to meet Marsha this week, but it's didn't work out..boo hoo!
Anywho- I am mailing your Swap pkg a bit early, so it's not late...moving is cramping my style!
Not gonna lie, I'm a little jealous of your new lens :-)
but i am happy for you too - it's a complicated emotion :-)
What a sweet, sweet face I could just gobble him up. Sweet as honey. Love the t shirt too but its slightly outshined by Baby bee.
Have fun with your lens.
Congratulations on winning that lens! How exciting!! Your little guy is so cute and happy. Great pictures.
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