I don't know about you, but I love me some organic food. Santa Cruz Organic and R. W. Knudsen Organic 'Sensible Sippers' stole our hearts soon after they arrived in our home. They sent us a box full of organic samples in the mail that weighed as much as a heavy stack of text books. We couldn't believe how much food was in it. Did I mention that I love food? In this BOX o' ORGANICS (the very same box you can win in this post) were a bunch of juice boxes, two jars of organic peanut butter (crunchy and creamy), and FOUR different kinds of applesauce! The UPS man may never recover from carrying all that food up to my door.
There was Apple Apricot Sauce, Apple Blackberry Sauce, Apple Cinnamon Sauce and Apple Raspberry Sauce... oh, it was dreamy!
I wish we still had some in the refrigerator right now.
Applesauce is one of our favorite snacks during school because it is healthy and easy (no peeling necessary). I just don't pass up free applesauce, y'all. Applesauce is a Sprittibee staple. I HAD to try this stuff... and I was NOT disappointed. It is crazy good. I am in to brand loyalty (stuck in my ways), but I'm telling you - we have been pining for this stuff since the last of it disappeared.
Unfortunately, the nearest store that sells it is quite a ways in to town. We remain determined to get some more, though. The kids even mentioned it to me today. I'm hoping to talk our local grocery store in to carrying these yummy treats.

After the applesauce vanished, we dug in to the juice boxes. I don't know about you, but I like to add water to my juice to make it less sweet so the kids don't get used to so much sugar. This is especially true for the little ones and kids who are sensitive to sugar in the first place. R. W. Knudsen Organic Sensible Sippers thought of everything. Now you don't have to worry about the kids getting STRAIGHT juice when they crack open a cold juice box on the go - theirs come with 50% juice, 50% water... and they are entirely ORGANIC! My little Bee is sure to be enjoying these in the future!
We loved the flavors, too: Apple, Fruit Punch (organic apple, pineapple, orange, and lemon juices), Banana (shown above), and Mixed Berry (organic apple, raspberry, blackberry, cherry and white grape juices). Mmmm!

Of course, their peanut butter wasn't bad, either. Tastes great with my plum jelly on a PBJ for lunch! In fact, we ate some today! What I love is that they have light roasted creamy or crunchy and DARK roasted creamy or crunchy! They call it 'gourmet peanut butter'. I just call it yummy.
Here's how you can win a heavy box full of yummy organic treats:
#1 (mandatory) Visit www.knudsenjuices.com and click on their 'recipe' section. Tell me your favorite of the recipes they have listed. Leave it in one comment by itself.
#2 (mandatory) Visit www.scojuice.com and click on their 'products' section. Leave one comment by itself telling me what your favorite item is.
Other ways to get additional entries:
#3 (optional) tweet about this contest. ( @sprittibee is giving away a huge box of Organic Applesauce Peanut Butter and Juiceboxes for back to school! Pls RT! http://bit.ly/LSyFy ) You can do this once each day - one entry each time. Leave one comment with your tweet url for each time you tweet.
#4 (optional) follow my recipe blog: www.gatheringmanna.blogspot.com (you can also click the food link in my sidebar!) Leave a comment here telling me that you did it so it will count as an entry.
#5 (optional) email me your favorite recipe. Just because. Then social-bookmark this post! (Stumble, Digg, Facebook, Del.icio.us, etc.) Leave a comment telling me which you did. One entry for each.
#6 (optional) share your favorite snack idea for the school year. Make sure it is in it's own separate comment!
There you go! Six easy ways to enter and win a huge box of organic treats for your kiddos (or yourself... cuz I know you'll be sneaking some when the rug rats aren't looking).
You have until September 12th to enter. The winner will be chosen at random by random.org and announced on September 13th. Good luck!
Happy healthy eating and drinking this school year!

Subscribe to Sprittibee by Email
Buzz Words: give+away, food, snacks, organic, applesauce, healthy, free, groceries, contest, vegetarian, juice, delicious, yummy, eat
I like the Knudsen recipe for the caramel apple smoothie. I love apples and caramel- they remind me of fall, my favorite time of year.
I like the looks of that Santa Cuz tea. I love tea of all kinds and am always looking for new flavors and brands.
I signed up for your recipes at your gathering manna site. I have always enjoyed looking at your recipes there. I signed up under my email- bethypa@yahoo.com. These comments are sent under my son's gmail account, hence the difference.
My favorite snack idea for this year is popcorn. I like it because it is quick, filling and you can mix up the flavor- salty, cheesy, kettle corn, caramel.. so many options. Or with just plain butter. It makes everyone sit down to share and talk too.
I bookmarked you at Facebook.
I tweeted today!
I had a hard time choosing on the Knudson website which recipes looked the best! I fell in love with all the smoothie recipes..My top 5 are:
Heavenly pineapple coconut smoothie
Pumpkin Pie smoothie
Boysenberry Burst
breakfast bananza
kiwi kick
From the Santa Cruz website...I would love to try the Super Fruit Blands! I dont have any Santa Cruz juice near me anywheres...but it sure does look good and een better...its organic!
I homeschool...so my fav snack idea is something great the kids can help me make! My kiddos are 5 and 6. They love to make FRUIT SALAD!! It is easy, yummy and healthy too!
On the Knudsen sight, I am making the French Toast. Looks like a new twist on our favoite breakfast for supper.
I am hoping to find some of the apple blueberry sauce near me. Sounds yummy.
I am now a recipe follower. I love trying new recipes.
i would love to try the Pineapple Yam Bake recipe! Especially when yams are so plentiful in the fall. Thank you!
I would love to try the Santa Cruz Organics cherry soda! Thanks!
At the Knudsen site, I found a recipe for SOY Panna Cotta. This is awesome because my son is allergic to dairy! cookiecutter72 at hotmail dot com
I'd love to try the Tangerine soda. cookiecutter72 at hotmail dot com
I put you on my Facebook page.
cookiecutter72 at hotmail dot com
Im going to try the Knudsen for the Peachy Keen smoothie. Im making yogurt in the crockpot now!
The Santa Cruz Apricot Mango juice is wonderful! Put in some crushed ice or make popsicles for the kiddos! YUM!
Im signed up for your recipe blog Gathering Manna. Love the name by the way. Im signed up under email lunamom_murphy@yahoo.com
My easiest and most healthy after school snack (actually we homeschool so its an anytime snack) is when I make smoothies in the morning, then freeze the leftovers in popsicles for the kids. I have a recipe called the Popeye smoothie which has OJ, spinach, coconut oil, flax seeds and a handful of frozen blueberries!
Ive got you on my links page on facebook.
Oh yum!
Pomegranate Sorbet...gonna have to try that one.
Ooh, sparkling tangerine sounds wonderful.
the Double Cherry Vanilla smoothie sounds great!
i tweeted http://twitter.com/agodlyhomemaker/status/3561756314
i love the Juice Drink Boxes
we love homemade yogurt with strawberries as a snack
i like the Cranberry Tea Refresher recipe. it looks really yummy :)
sadiekate2001 at yahoo.com
i think the Santa Cruz Organic® organic chocolate syrup sounds really good!
sadiekate2001 at yahoo.com
i tweeted! http://twitter.com/sadiekate08/status/3562286451
sadiekate2001 at yahoo.com
I tweeted again today! :)
I really think the Sunrise Smoothie sounds good.
The product I like the best is the juice boxes, tropical flavor.
Black Forest Cherry Smoothie!
Concord Grape Soda! YUM!
http://twitter.com/tracibest Tweet!
Now following Gathering Manna! ;)
Sent Cran-Apple Oatmeal recipe...and linked to this post on Facebook!
Favorite Snack Idea: Pumpkin Cake! This weekend I mixed up a dark chocolate cake mix with a small can of pumpkin, two eggs and two Tbs of oil. Bake by directions on the box.
I glazed it with a powdered sugar/cocoa glaze but it would be good with just a dab of cool whip!
The great thing is you can switch out any type of cake mix! Yellow, white or SPICE would be yummy.
I added 2 T cinnamon to the cake mix and 2tsp of cinnamon to the glaze too to shake it up a bit.
Extra fiber and veggies! ;)
I like the recipe for the Pumpkin Pie Smoothie. Coming from the "Pumpkin Capital of the World," I have a weakness for anything pumpkin!!
The Santa Cruz Rasberry Lemonade sounds yummy!
I'm going to follow your recipe blog through google reader.
A snack we like at our house:
Party rye bread
cucumber, cut in slices
crazy pepper
Spread a little mayo on each slice of party rye bread. Add a cucumber slice and sprinkle with crazy pepper!
I tweeted today. www.twitter.com/susanmight
I emailed you my favorite recipe and I also "bookmarked" (posted a link to) this post on my Facebook.
My kids and I love it when I make a fruit dip made of marshmallow fluff, cream cheese and a bit of vanilla extract mixed together. I then put out a variety of fresh fruit and we dip and munch til our hearts (and tummies) content.
I am now following your Gathering Manna Blog.
I went to the Knudsen Juices website and checked out their recipes. I can't wait to try many of their smoothie recipes as my kids love smoothies and I think it is a great way to get a serving or more of fruit.
I am looking forward to trying the Santa Cruz juice boxes. I think I will stop by the store today and pick some up. I think this will be a great alternative on-the-go drink to our usual soda from the drive-thru. The fact that they are organic is an added bonus.
Mmmm...the Knudsen french toast sounds yummy! I have some of their juice here and it is good!
We love the Santa Cruz Mango Lemonade...makes good popsicles too!
Just signed up to follow your recipe blog. :)
Tough choice. I like the Black Forest Cherry smoothie (but I'd use organic chocolate milk instead of soymilk). Orange Mango Chicken looks yummy, too. Thanks for this giveaway!
Over at Santa Cruz Organics, their Raspberry Lemonade soda looks good. Peanut butter, too (love all things peanut butter!). Thanks again!
Just twittered at twitter.com/LilbearMe
My fave recipe is Ranch Chicken http://embraceeverymoment.blogspot.com/2009/02/ranch-chicken.html . Just posted on facebook.com/LilbearMe
My fave snack idea depends on the day, our moods, and what kind of pick-me-up we need. Mainly, a piece of fruit and a sweet & salty nut bar (Nature Valley) works well. Sometimes I throw in some m&m's or a few Dove chocolates for a boost (definitely for me!).
Lemon Ginger Granita sounds delicious.
Champagne Style Sparkling Limeade is my favorite product.
Signed up to Follow
One of my favorite snacks is frozen grapes.
just twittered....
posted a link to facebook.
Daily Tweet
twittered and posted on facebook
ReTweet! ;)
Pina Colada anyone? :) YUM!
FB-ed it :)
following your gathering manna blog
ReTweet! ;)
I like Knudsen's Caribbean Punch recipe.
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I like the Santa Cruz Organic chocolate syrup. Yum!!!
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I tweeted about this for 9/7:
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I follow your recipe blog.
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
My favorite snack idea is apple and cheese slices... oooh good!
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
Just retweeted again! Thanks for this giveaway, Heather!
I tweeted for 9/8:
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
(Does it help if we shout, "We love you, Heather!"???)
I tweeted for 9/9:
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
twittered an posted on facebook...
I tweeted for 9/10:
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
Daily Tweet
My Final Tweet
I tweeted for 9/12:
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
Fave recipe: Grilled Spiced Apple Jamaican Jerk Chicken. (mouthful!)
Fave Santa Cruz product: Dark roasted crunchy!
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/queenmotherblog/status/3947451045
ReTweet Retweet ;)
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