I even found some time to play with Photoshop and Pioneer Woman's awesome actions. Wish I could bottle her up and bring her to Texas for a one-on-one Photoshop training course. I learn so much better visually. I'm the apprentice type. Bringing Ree here would be almost as good as TexMex. And for those of you who haven't ever eaten TexMex, I pity you. Especially since I had enchiladas, tacos, Spanish Rice and tortilla soup for lunch. With sliced avocado... pico de gallo... Mexican cheese, and little tortilla chip strips. Mmmm!
OK, now for the pictures. Yeah, you know you really came here for pictures. Go ahead, admit it. You are addicted to the baby, aren't you? It's OK. I am, too.
So here he is... front and center (sporting Pioneer woman's eye action, edge burn and a little 'boost'):

He's a traveling man. A great trip-taker. We are blessed that he is such a good-natured kid. In this photo he's telling me that he really doesn't like the green beans all over his shirt.
As a side note...
I may have to send Ree yet another unanswered email and tell her how great she is. I know she's busy, but being a bit narcissistic, I kind of got my feelings hurt when she didn't email me back. That's crazy, right?! I mean, the woman gets 15,000 comments on her give-aways. I'm quite certain that it does me good to get a few of my emails unanswered - since I have to leave soooo many of my own unanswered. I just can't keep up with a baby, a homeschool, a house, AND my email inboxes. Something has to give. I totally relate to Miss Pioneer Woman when it comes to 1. the love of all things Photographic, 2. loving my Punks, and 3. not being on top of my email.
As you can tell, I'm a bit crazy about her Photoshop actions. I'm one step closer to my crazy dream of being a REAL photographer. Next is the Macro lens. I have to sell my old lens first... and we'll see what happens!
After our co-op with Cindy Friday (where we learned about matter, did an experiment and read poetry), I finished tidying the house up. I actually got rid of 3 boxes of toys, 3 boxes of clothes, and about 2 boxes of trash that were in the kids' closets. My house is looking cleaner by the second. Next is my closet. I already have a box of old clothes to donate in the works.
Saturday we left for San Antonio to spend the day with my Kansas City buddy - Christi. She and I have been friends since we were wild teenagers. She could blackmail me if she wanted to. You don't say no to someone like that. I couldn't miss a chance to see her since we live so far apart. We stopped in at Luby's for lunch.

I just so happened to have my camera. Go figure!? So did she! Great minds think alike. Kev has finally quit getting nervous and freaky about me popping the honker out of my camera bag at restaurants. So we had some fun taking pictures - all the way down the cafeteria line and beyond...
While in San Antonio we had to visit Outdoor World... or is that the Bass Pro Shop? I have no idea what it is called. It disturbs me to see a Christmas tree made out of deer antlers... and I'd much rather see all those stuffed animals alive... but hey... it's a guy thing.

Here is my oldest guy and youngest guy in the gun department... with Pioneer Woman's soft and 2x boost actions. I think that was all I did - and maybe a sharpen? I can't remember. I got a little click-happy after midnight last night. I've slept since then.

I was totally cool with the cowhide couch in the lobby... and it seemed like everywhere we went there was perfect lighting for portraits. So we used up our time taking even MORE pictures. They were fun to edit with PW's actions.

The one above is 2x Boost and Edge Burn. The one below is Old West. I also did the purdy eye-pop action on them first. It cleans up the shadows on the eye to brighten the natural eye color and get rid of red or discolored whites. Don't you wish you could Photoshop the REAL YOU? If only.

If I could Photoshop me, I would save myself a ton of money at the dentist office - whitening my teeth and fixing the crooked places. I'd erase a few wrinkles and use the air brush to make my skin more smooth. Shoot - I'd take off a few pounds, too. No more guilt when eating Luby's Oreo cheese cake!

When I was finished with my make-over, I'd look a lot more like Baby K; who has nary a flaw. What a perfect little person. Too bad we all have to grow up and get old.
Wonder what we'll all look like in heaven?
Yep, that's right...I came for the pix. You've got some of the cutest chicklets...along with mine, of course! Thanks for the PS mini-tutorial. Hubby has been sweetly buggin' me to learn PS {and all CS3}, while I waste time at Picnik. But after seeing your great shots, and P-Dub's actions, I'd better get my act together. BTW, my fave shot? Your 3 chicklets on the couch...priceless. Have a great week!
Great shots and read Revelations where it describes Jesu...that's what we will look like! :)
You know...PW's Sister, Wetsy, lives in Texas... San Antonio? Or was it Austin? One of the "A" ones. ;)
Bass Pro is only 30 minutes from me!
What a face! I want to gobble keep people from grabbing your baby? XXOXOX
We will be perfect in Heaven! It's sin that makes us ugly and everything is better in the presence of the Lord.
I can't wait!!!
awww! K is so adorable! that picture of K and you is priceless!
of course I came to see the Bee family! I miss y'all! :)
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