Every now and then a girl has to grovel. I'm not immune. Especially when I'm hormonal and low on chocolate (which I could take by IV at this moment). This economy is tight, but it was tight for me even before the gas prices went up. Living on one income and homeschooling your children - WHILE paying property taxes like a good-little-Texan is NOT easy. Texas has pretty hefty property taxes, by the way. We have to forgo luxuries, shopping and vacations. I don't usually miss the finer life that much, but when blog conferences roll around, I do whine a little.
My husband was sweet enough to let me attend a few homeschool conferences that were close to home this year. They were a much-needed break and breath of fresh air for me as a homeschooling mom. Just call it teacher training. Whatever floats your boat. Now I'm looking to breathe new life in to my online life... by attending Typeamom. I'd love to rub shoulders with other bloggers (my imaginary friends) that I'm friends with online. I'd love to be in a room full of people who understand the urge to tweet, facebook, and blog as your first response to any given situation. I get the strangest looks from my real-life buddies when I "blog-talk".
My friend Dawn of My Home Sweet Home (who created the winning Typeamom Poster that you see up there) even offered to let me room with her if I can swing the trip. That means I'm about 150$ towards my goal. Just another ... 600$ to go. Seems like a huge amount of money when we don't even buy Christmas presents in my family... but I'm sure that if God wants me there, I'll be there.
Here's the breakdown:
$100 Gas, Travel cushion just in case
$600 Total
And the conference is in TWO WEEKS. Eek. I guess I'm asking for a miracle.
If you are a sponsor who is looking for a blogger to ship to North Carolina, look no further. And if this request doesn't work, I'll have to do one from Baby K's point of view. It would, after all, be his first airplane trip - and he would be the absolute cutest (little) person in attendance if we got to go.

So really, I should say, Send ME & BABY K to North Carolina. Cuz I 'ain't leavin' him, y'all. He goes with mama.
If you want to donate to the cause, you can click the donate button in my sidebar and just leave the note "conference" in your transaction form. If you donate and I don't make my quota for Typeamom, I'll file the change away for Blissdom or another such similar conference at a later date. You'll still get credit for being my sponsor! Just later. I promise.

Here's a ticker to show the progress of my fundraiser:

Can't send money, but I hope you get to go. Asheville is a beautiful city. (I'm just a little biased since I grew up there.) And Baby K would definitely be the cutest in attendance :)
Thanks so much Kristenph! ;) I'm pulling out all the stops to make this happen by cutting every available corner. The flight I'm trying to get leaves at 5:30am!!! Ugh. Then we have a 3-4 hour drive added to the trip. It will be a long weekend for baby and me... but I think it would all be worth it. He's a really laid back kid.
I'll be praying you get to go because I would love to meet you! I'm going with my six (almost seven) month old and looking forward to it so much.
Im going to tweet to try to get you sponsorship! As often as I feel like I can without irritating people! I really want to meet you, and it won't be the same without you!
Asheville doesn't have much of an airport. Are you planning to fly into Raleigh?
I'll help you.
Hey Heather, wish I could help but we are on a tight budget too (I know the pain of TX property taxes--we still own a home there).
I wish you the best! Hope you get to go!! BTW, I just donated $5 for shipping for the package you are sending--no rush! If you are shipping it after the 23rd of this month, email me at jwallace9@gmail.com for my new address. We are moving to a different home here on base!
Have a blessed weekend!!
Shannon Wallace :o)
Nope - not flying in to Asheville. Driving from Atlanta to Asheville with my friend Dawn. Have to cut all available corners and fly at ungodly hours to save every penny possible.
Tweeted sweetie and will keep on tweeting. I really think you are supposed to be there and am praying, then tweeting... Step of faith....hmm...why not? start packing one of your bags and preparing! Remember, the Lord didnt part the water until they put their feet in and got wet!.. Am excited to watch and see how the LORD provides!
Cathy B
@projecthope7 twitter
Kickin' butt and takin' names. ;) LOL
Thanks so much for all of your help on the fundraising. I'm updating the ticker once a day!
So far so good. Keep praying!
We're gonna ride that air-ee-o-plane yet!
Sent you a little to help you get there! Totally jealous cause I can't go. I'm actually on vacation that week, just 4 hours from the conference. haha Bad timing for me.
Have fun!!
any news heather? or is it still at $400 needed? let me know. t hanks. am still praying! cathy b
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