V is for 'Very' - Very BUSY over here in the bee hive. Well, yes, ... and VBS, too.
In less than three weeks I've:
VERY CRAZY: Driven through nine states, taken the kids on a field trip to the Biltmore Estate and the North Carolina Arboretum, attended my first photo walk and blog conference...
VERY REVIVING: Gone to a women's retreat with my mom, aunt, cousin and some friends (out of town)...
VERY DRAMATIC: Participated in VBS where my entire family sans myself and baby were in multiple plays...
VERY EXCITING: Launched the PR portion of the Homeschool Blog Awards...
VERY YUMMY: Stocked the refrigerator and pantry and saved the family from sheer foodlessness (hoping to eat at home all week next week)...
VERY AGRIVATING: Managed to keep up with the laundry - while wringing every item out by hand (or by my kids' hands, poor things!) - even though the washing machine is on the fritz...
VERY FUN: Gone to science and poetry co-op at a friend's house last Thursday with the kids.
Unfortunately for me, the busy season has no plans to let up. With fall coming, it seems the calendar in real life and online just goes in to overdrive.
For you, that's a great thing. Because I'll be catching up with my give-aways on the blog this week! I've got food, books, toys and more planned - so please don't miss a day here at Sprittibee this coming week! It would be wise to stop in at the Homeschool Post, too.
If I'm not posting here, I'll be helping out over there.
Last week we put up the official page for the Homeschool Blog Awards and tonight I added some updates you'll not want to miss about the awards, the swap, and more.
Hope you are enjoying this cool weather and managing to keep your schedule tame despite the racing clock! If you figure out how to slow time down so you can get more done in a day, let me know. I could use a clone (or a maid) if this new pace keeps up.

Woman, you are TOO BUSY! Break down is coming if you you don't slow it down! Wow!
VBS? Isn't that at a weird time?
WOW...Homeschool Awards??? That is so cool :)
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