Glowing blue and green marble in the milky way. This is home.
It doesn't matter if you are a conservative, a liberal, or a quadruped. We're all in this thing together... and we only get one planet to play with. [My little 1 year old calls it 'BALL', not Earth.]
Although I don't worship the Earth or believe that humans are the only cause of global warming... nor do I believe that government should impose carbon credit taxes or pilfer our pocketbooks, I do LOVE planet Earth. I think it is amazing, awe-inspiring and wonderful.
Green is such a trendy word these days that it almost makes some of us roll our eyes... but I have always believed (even before "Green" was cool) that we should be smart about how we live. As a Christian, our faith dictates that we should be good stewards of what we are given. Planet Earth is no exception. No one has to call it 'green' for me to want to do my part in caring for the planet.
I'm glad that many companies are now waking up to the reality that we should be more careful about the chemicals we use and the rate at which we consume natural resources... and the pollutants we put back in to the water and soil. These are the positive things that have come as a result of the recent fascination with "going green". I applaud them for looking for creative ways to 'give back'.
Besides the Earth, everyone in the 'Bee' family love trees and plants. We have planted 10 trees in our yard since we moved in to our house. I've been a tree-hugger (literally) since my early years. I can remember trying to throw my arms around a Western Red Cedar in the Washington state rain forest when I was knee-high to a grasshopper. There is always some favorite tree I'm infatuated with. Currently it is the Montezuma Cypress in my front yard. My heart aches to see the trophy Live Oaks of Texas mercilessly murdered in the name of progress. I smile on the efforts of the Arbor Day Foundation to get everyone interested in planting and caring for trees. Trees are our friends... and no one can deny how beautiful they are. They make me happy.

When I got an email from Hanes telling me that they were teaming up with the National Arbor Day foundation to plant trees for every third item they sell, I was delighted. I love that they are a green-conscious organization. I love that the world will get prettier and greener because of their decision to partner with the Arbor Day Foundation.
Would you like to win an Earth Day t-shirt from Hanes?
Here's how you can win one (leave a separate comment for each entry please!):
1. (worth 1 entry) Visit the Hanes Earth Day promotion page on their website and watch the little video they have there. Tell me what 3 products you would order to get your tree planted by the Arbor Day Foundation.
2. (worth 1 entry) Leave me a comment telling me one of the following things:
What are your favorite trees?
What are your favorite forests to camp in?
What types of things do you do to be a good steward for our lovely earth?
What green is your favorite (neon, lime, olive, sage, forest, etc)?
3. (worth 1 entry) Tweet about this give-away.
4. (worth 1 entry) Put your pretty face in my Google Friend Box.
Contest ends this Saturday night (April 17). Happy 'green' living!

P.S. Earth Day is April 22nd and Arbor Day is April 30th. However, Hanes is participating with the National Arbor Day Foundation through May 15th for this promotion.
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Disclosure: Hanes provided me with no compensation for my opinions here other than a free Earth t-shirt and the opportunity to help them in this promotion by tweeting and posting about it.
Credits: Heartlight for the planet graphic above.
Favorite trees: Red Bud! At least today that's my favorite, they are in full bloom here and I just love them.
And my "Pretty" (Bwaha!!) face is in your google box!
I'm a tree hugger too. I always have been. I try to teach my kids about energy conservation, and the three R's- reduce, reuse & recycle.
My face is in your Google box & you are in my google reader too... and my favorite tree is Magnolia trees. I have them in my yard.
A Weeping Willow, absolutely my favorite tree!
Cute t-shirt! I love magnolias; we now have 2 in our yard. My name is Camp, but I don't do it. I love to hang out in the Smoky Mtn. National Forest. Apple green is my favorite color, period. (I guess I answered 3!)
I don't use the Google friend thing, but I'm there in yours now. :-)
Seattle Sounders LIME GREEN will tweet too this is a cool shirt!
Dawn won the t-shirt! Random.org #6! Congrats. Thanks everyone for playing along.
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