1. Conference Divas, 2. iPhone Pic, 3. Wonderful Grace, 4. Ann Voskamp, 5. Hot Mama, 6. Broken Phone, 7. Silver Reminder, 8. Beth and Cheryl, 9. The Kiss of a Friend, 10. Flowers, 11. Pregnant, 12. Traverse Dash, 13. Chevy Reflections, 14. Rear End, 15. Flat Travelers, 16. Hugging Ann, 17. Geek Central, 18. Sheraton, 19. Session, 20. Tools, 21. Sally and Jenn, 22. Road Warriors, 23. 1,000 Gifts, 24. Holly (not Hobby) and Heather, 25. Blue Ridge Bliss, 26. Speaker Fun with Flatties, 27. Yummy Mess, 28. Backseat Mo, 29. Traffic, 30. Self Portrait, 31. DaySpring Treats, 32. Twitter Glow, 33. Sweet Penny, 34. Homeschool Mamas, 35. Tennessee Travelers
Last October, I had the privilege to attend a wonderful conference in Pennsylvania, by way of the Smoky Mountains and Washington DC. My whole family went on a colossal field trip together (talk about a bonding experience). It was a dream come true - a God-sized one. If you click on the link in my sidebar where it talks about the Relevant Conference, you can stroll down memory lane with me.
It's kind of early to be talking about a conference that happens in October, when it's only April. That's what I thought... and then I found out that a lot of people are thinking about it (and tweeting about it) - because it SOLD OUT last month. I had resigned myself to accept that it just wasn't in the cards for me to attend this year. Then a friend of mine sent me a message about the (In)Courage sponsorships. I started crying like a big fat cry-baby when I read the post (and took that as a sign that maybe I really do need to go again if God is putting it on my heart to feel so deeply about Relevant). They are offering 8 different sponsorships to eight different women - so that they can attend the conference. It's in Pennsylvania, sure, and I'm in Texas... but if God wants me to go, I'm more than willing!
Here are the eight sponsorships that (In)Courage is offering:
1. A Hope & Encouragement (DaySpring Card Ministry partnership)
2. (In)Courage Photographer
3. Home Blogger
4. Frugal Blogger
5. Micah 6:8 Sponsorship (social justice & mercy)
6. A Writer’s Craft
7. Newbie Blogger
8. Veteran Blogger
Now I want you to guess which ones I applied for. I'll give you a hint: I applied for FOUR of them. You can apply for as many as you want, but you can only win one.
This year, if I went, the family would have to stay at home. Just me and the 9 month old (wow - he'll be 9 months old by October!) would be jetting off to PA, unless my 12 year old had her money saved to go with me. One of her best friends lives in PA - 30 miles away from the conference location (and she's a super awesome babysitter and photography assistant)... so she might be traveling with me. I'd like that. I'd also love to visit my buddy, Beth.
Would you pray for me? Pray that if it is the Lord's will that I attend Relevant 2011, that He makes a way without debt and trouble. Pray that my heart is steadfast and accepting of whatever His answer may be - either way.
And hey - YOU - if you love blogging and being challenged to write for the Lord and do it well... why not apply for one of the 8 sponsorships yourself? What have you got to lose?

I am so praying that the Lord would make a way for you to attend!! I LOVE your photos and writing :-)
Maggie Hogan
SO GLAD you applied for 4! praying you get to go!! Squueeeeee
Heather, praying for you to win the In Courage Sponsorship...I want to see you again this year!
I was blessed with a way to go on my own, almost as soon as I felt I needed to be there. I will pray you get to go as well!
So hope you get to go! I missed out last year but I'm going this year and bringing my 15yo daughter... we're so psyched for a roadtrip together! Will pray for ya...it would be sweet to meet you :)
Praying for you!! Would love to see you there, irl!
Wow, what a wonderful post! Your experience makes my heart full to go as well. I only applied for one sponsorship {and it took me 6 hours to complete that proposal.} Gods hands, Gods hands, we’re girls in Gods hands :-)
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