Waaaay back. Me and Ginny go way back. Back to the days when I was recently caught, recently cleaned... brand new in Christ. It was 1997 when my oldest son was born, and he wasn't a year old when my husband and I began our bible study together.
I turned my first Christian radio station on in the car and heard Ginny's sweet southern voice. After falling in love with her music, I learned the story of how she was blind - which amazed me. I love to hear about people overcoming whatever obstacles life throws at them. She proved to me that Christian music wasn't boring - and that it had something to offer to a secular music listener like I was. She had me at "Free".
{Completely unrelated, but interesting: During my early homeschool years, I even met a girl that claimed to be Ginny's cousin. She was an online friend that used KONOS curriculum and she lived in Arkansas.}
All these years between me and my conversion... between me and those early homeschooling days in Houston... and I got an email from Ginny's PR team. Would I like to review her new album? They had no idea that she's always been a favorite singer of mine. It was providence. Of course, I said yes.
I mean, we're talking about GINNY, right???
I popped in the CD a few months ago when it came. And my kids are SICK OF IT. It has never left my car. I even brought it in and ripped it on to my PC. It is my newest crush. I adore it. She's so talented! You just have to hear it yourself.

The title of the album is "Get in, I'm Driving." It is hard to pick a favorite song, but I really like "Get in, I'm Driving". She talks about why she chose that name and creating the song on her blog and in a video on her blog (she is a blogger - #swoon). So many of these songs really spoke to me. She's got a talent for coming up with words that move you.
And her voice is like buttah.
Hop over to her site and listen to what she has playing! If she's new to you, you'll be in for an extra special treat. If she's not, then what are you waiting on? Hurry in and grab your copy of her newest album. It is already a favorite in my house.
Ginny and me, Me and Ginny... we go way back. She might not know it, but we do.

Disclaimer: I got a free CD (thank you, Ginny!) out of this review, but Ginny hasn't paid me a cent. And I really do love her - and wouldn't turn down free tickets (OR BACK STAGE PASSES) to any concert she does in the general Texas area. *hint*
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hm... very interesting! thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Ginny had me at Free too! :) I love her music as well!
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