July 09, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: 'Songs About Rainbows'


My eyes lift,
Watching shafts of color push back the mist of storm.
Broken and still beautiful - tied up; a package in light...
I smile.
He's remembering His promise.

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Anonymous said...

That is really, really nice. My kids are trying to force me to the pool, but I'll email in a bit with my ideas about the giveaway.

One Mom said...

What a beautiful rainbow; the colors are so vivid!

Unknown said...

Oh beautiful!

Snap Catch said...

Perfect one for WW! Hope you'll visit my corner too... Happy WW!

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

How beautiful! Very nice photo and poem. :D

Kelli said...

Wow, what a great picture

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen a rainbow in awhile. Thank you for sharing this!



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