I heart books. Don't you? Any homeschooler will tell you that books are the backbone of a home education. If you learn to read well, the world is your oyster. You can teach almost any subject with just good books... including spelling, vocabulary and grammar!
Because I love books and love to keep lists, I keep a book list each year of all the books we read for school. To read these lists, click the "Homeschool Link" on my sidebar and it will take you to a post that contains a detailed year-by-year, grade-by-grade list of our homeschool posts (each year there is a book list you can click). We have from Pre-K through 7th Grade (plus a bunch of books that are adult-level reading). I have most of the books the kids have read listed on this site.
I have marked our favorite books on our lists, but I wanted to do more... so that we can purchase favorites as we have the money, and so that we can share them with our readers.
So... I created an Amazon store! I went in and spent an hour or so picking all the favorites we have had over the years (the ones we could find, anyway). Now you can go purchase the books if you are interested in them - without having to do a huge search online.
I have quite a few books listed already and we are adding to our favorites all the time. They are listed in these categories:
Homeschool Helps
Baby and Preschool
Picture Books
Chapter Books
History & Famous People
Science and Nature
Just for Fun
Mom Books
Cat Books
If you want to check out our beloved books, you can click the "bookstore" at the top of my blog. When you hover over it, you'll see my bookworm appear.
As a present to the kids, if you buy a book in our store, my children get a few pennies towards a new book for our home library! So far, in the past 4 years of blogging, we have only gotten 2 or 3 free books because I've been too lazy to take the time and link them in my blog. Now I have remedied that and ALL of our favorites will be just a click away! I'm not trying to sell you books, I just want to share our joy. Cuz we love 'em. And no - no author is paying us to tell you about our favorite books. Just in case you wondered.
Thank you in advance if you buy something at Amazon through our little book store (even if you click on a book and end up buying a separate item, I think our affiliate link will give us credit for the sale). In this economy and on one income, every penny helps!
Happy browsing and reading!

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Buzz Words: books, reading, teaching, homeschool, parenting, read, motherhood, inspiration, Amazon, family, favorites, kids, mommy, homeschooling, summer reading, school, mom, school year, resources
I don't know if these are on your list or not (Its too long to go through, sorry!)
But recent favorites for us that I'd never heard of before are:
The Biggest thing in the Ocean by Kevin Sherry
Good Egg by Barney Saltzberg (DO watch the video on Amazon)
I'm hoping to be able to purchase these with birthday money for Obed.
Sounds like a win-win situation - You've made it easier for us to find books that come with your valuable recommendation, and you get a few new books for all your work!! Sounds a good deal to me...
I'll have a good look through your list. Thanks for doing this for us.
What a cool idea to help other homeschoolers, but what a TON of work! I wish I'd been able to see a list like this when my kids were younger and I was gearing up for the next school year. What a blessing!
I love books too! But there's no such thing as too many. I'm going to check out your list!
Heather, I just rally savor your blog each time I read it!!! Thanks for this book list. :o)
I have a question for you, and you may email me if you wish.
I know you mentioned that in the past you used KONOS. Could you please give me any feedback you have on KONOS? I purchased Vol's I-III, and I also have My Father's World 1st grade. This is our first year to HS (in August) and my boys are 3 & 6--soon to be 4 & 7years old. I'm just curious if you got burned out with KONOS or if it was a combo of pregnancy and HS, etc? Thank you in advance for any feedback you have!! I am really torn as to which curriculum to use, as I do prefer a Charlotte Mason approach/unit studies/Christian based curricula. I already have my math and lang. arts curricula in place. Thanks!!! SOrry for the L-O-N-G comment!!
Fellow Texan,
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