Then came Heart of the Matter's online conferences. I spoke for them last year about homeschool burnout (something I was living through last year) and blogging (something I love). It was an entirely NEW experience. Then, this year I attended the ‘A Woman Inspired’ online conference. Boy, that was awesome. Just the spiritual kick I needed after feeling drained with no time for Bible study or me after baby was born this spring. I needed the spiritual encouragement and learned a lot about social networking and my digital camera in the process. HOTM's Homeschool Conference and AWI both lasted a number of days – all of which I had the option of attending without spending any gas money, packing a diaper bag, or getting out of my pajamas!
Going to book fairs with babies isn’t an easy task. Neither is driving half-way across Texas to attend a conference in another city. The next conference I was considering attending was the one in Houston at the Woodlands. I dread that drive. It’s much easier to sit at home and nurse the baby in front of the computer as I listen to the online speaker talk.
How would you like to attend a HOME-conference? To have famous speakers lined up to talk in your own living room… folks like Andrew Pudewa, Sue Patrick, Linda Hobar, Lee Binz, Sheila Wray Gregoire, etc. Wouldn’t that be cool?
I know you know where I’m going with this!
The Heart of the Matter Online Magazine is having a Parenting & Home Education Conference August 3-7 2009...
...and I’m giving away FIVE free admission tickets.
Here’s how you can win a free ticket (leave a separate comment for each thing you do):
1. Comment here and tell me why you want to attend the conference.
2. Add yourself to my Google Friend Connect box.
3. Follow me on Twitter.
4. Follow me on Facebook.
5. Tweet about this contest and leave me the url of your tweet.
6. Tell about this contest (with a link) on your Facebook page and leave me a link.
7. Subscribe to my email updates or feed (see the sidebar or the bottom of this post).
8. Blog about this post linking both the url of this post and the conference info in your post.
9. Put my Sprittibee button in your sidebar.
10. Bookmark this post with Stumble or another page bookmarking site.
You have until 7/21/09 at midnight to enter (each of those items in a separate comment counts as one entry). Random.org will pick a winner for me and I'll post it here on Sprittibee.com on Thursday, the 23rd. HOTM will then contact you with instructions on how to log in to the conference in August!
*Don't just join here. The Homeschool Post is also giving away 5 free admissions!*
Don’t want to wait until next week to find out who won the contest? Want to make sure you get registered for one of the 1,000 spots NOW? The cost is only $12.95.
(If you missed last year’s conference, you can pick up the handouts, chat logs, and MP3s for only 9.95$, too!)
Wanna join me? Hope to ‘see’ you there!

Subscribe to Sprittibee by Email
Buzz Words: conference, online, teaching, homeschool, parenting, give away, motherhood, inspiration, encouragement, family, baby, kids, mommy, homeschooling, summer, tickets, mom, school year, freebies
I am so all over this, but I'll tell you what I just home from the hospital after 4 days and am so so tired that I can't sit here and recomment over and over again. So I'll stick with one comment and a quick prayer.
I'm leaving a comment.
I added you as a friend on Facebook.
I joined your site via Google.
Your button is on my blog
I too joined your site....
Facebook, check!
A pep talk would be nice. :-) A little encouragement and inspiration all the better!
I follow!
I subscirbe!
I am in the same bost you are ---- 8 week old infant at home, homeschooling 2 preschoolers & a middle schooler, not to mention the MANY hats I wear every day just to keep the house running. I don't jsut need a pep talk, I need a wife! That's because we all know a husband doesn't have a clue what we really do in a day so he wouldn't be any help at all. Maybe if I had a clone.............
Facebook, you're my friend!
I would love to attend again this year. I got so many wonderful resources last year, and such great information, I really look forward to that again this year!!
I've never ever been to a real conference, so online homeschoolers are my life line :). Please enter me!
I already follow you on twitter :).
I just asked you to be my friend on FB!
I'd love to attend the online conference. I'm always in need of homeschooling encouragement.
This conference is for me! With 5 kids and being 7 months pregnant it would be great to get some motivation before starting the year without having to leave home.
I would love to be able to "go" to this conference. I loved it last year!
I follow you on Twitter
I joined your site with Google friends
I subscribed.
Added you as a friend on Facebook
I would like to attend since I've never been to a homeschool conference, and I think it would be beneficial as this is my first year.
I put your button on the sidebar of my blog!!
I would love to win these! We live out in the "boon docks" of Texas, far from any "big cities" where conferences are hosted, so I will not be able to attend any. A virtual conference would be just the thing for me! :)
I have been a "follower" of yours for a while now.
And I friended you on Facebook. :)
I'm starting to feel like a stalker...
I so could use the pep talk. After my husband breaking his leg in march and just now getting back to work which they thought he may never do. I missed two local bookfairs and I would love to have a chance to win this one and not worry about sitter for 5 kids and traveling. Thanks for the contest.
I requested you as a friend on facebook.I'm so excited about this conference. I hope I win! Thanks for offering this.
Jasmine Neil
I want to go! - Ammie
Oooh! I would so love to be part of this. I was thinking about purchasing tickets, but not sure if that is in the budget right now. I missed our local homeschool convention last week b/c I was feeling sick- so I totally need to be a part of this one. I love Heart of the Matter- and can't wait to hear what everyone has to say.
And with my 3 little ones- doing it in the privacy of my own home (and possibly on my own time) would be invaluable!
Thanks so much for the opportunity!!!
I follow you on Twitter. I'm oliveshoot, of course ;)
I am following you via email on feedburner.
Blessings beloved~
Following u via Google Friend Connect!
Added your button to my blog- here: http://oliveshoot.blogspot.com
Okay, so I totally missed the deadline- bummer! Now that I entered a few times, I might as well finish ;) I tweeted about it (too late, but still...) http://twitter.com/oliveshoot/statuses/2784004776
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