This week Darcy wanted us to post about our school room. Funny, that I have been working on organizing it lately. Yesterday we spent the day at a friend of my mother's that she grew up with. She was giving me a book case to go in my daughter's closet (which we'll go pick up next weekend) and we've been organizing things to make room for nearly a hundred old books she gave us and a few we picked up at the book fair. The photos here are of when my school room was CLEAN. It's not clean today. But we're working on it.
I lerve books. When I think of a school 'room', I just think of where to store my books. School can't be confined to a room - learning happens everywhere. Not just at home, either.
So what I call my 'school room' is where the books go. Most of them, anyway. We have books in the children's rooms, too. And I'm about to put some books in my room as well. Then there's the basket of "currently in use" books that are borrowed from a friend and sitting in a plastic box behind my couch. That's also where public library books reside while they visit our house.
The 'school room' is my favorite room in the entire house - it's where I blog. It doubles as an office and an entertainment den, too. We call it our "under-water room" because of the teal blue whimsical paint on the walls (that were painted while hubby was away on a business trip). [Click the link to go see more photos] It houses our map and globe collection and my 'wall of inspiration' - a collection of photos and favorite paper things I love to look at, hanging over my desk.

Most of our 'school' when we are home takes place downstairs at the dining table despite having a 'school room', however. We like to spread our work out on the table and sit together. The school room has a couch and a TV for video games and educational movies... so there's no room for a table and chairs. I like the "minimalist" decor in the dining room for school, too. I haven't painted the room yet - so there are few distractions (barring the cats stay away).
Sometimes our school room is the car, the back yard, or the king sized bed in my room (great for snuggling with all three kids to read and nap... because napping comes after reading sometimes). Or sometimes our school room is our kitchen. I think it's funny that we associate a room with school... when all of life is learning. You don't need a specific room designated for school - but it is nice to keep your supplies and books in one place.
That's why we have our school boxes nearly full of everything we need to work with for our assignments. We can pop the box in the car and head out... like we did yesterday... or we can move our box to another room in our house and stretch out on the floor. I like to change up the scenery when we do school sometimes just for fun. Every now and then we even go to the library to do school.
Where do you do school?
Tell me about it in the comments section. Be sure also to check out Darcy's carnival for other homeschool school room posts.

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Buzz Words: teacher, home, teaching, homeschool, parenting, house, motherhood, school, organizing, decorating, homeschooling, books, bookshelves, back to school
I do believe our walls are the same shade of blue (and the same wall map)! :D
I posted about our "school room" earlier this month. I guess everyone is getting excited about starting school and getting those books together.
We do the majority of our school at the dining room table. We don't have a "school" room. All of the school materials are on a bookshelf in my office room. We just carry what we need out to the table and do the work there. It works nicely for us. Sometimes, we might sit in the living room if I'm doing a Q&A session about material that's been studied or if we're reading.
Hope you have a great school year!
What a cute post and so neat to read about. I do not home school but I love to read about it and FULLy support this...I am even a member of the HSLDA.
sandy toe
Love the blue,and the cat cracks me up!
Ooh, I like that blue!
We learn at the dining room table most of the time, but reading time is great on a soft cushy bed!
We just finished painting and reorganizing our school room (the noun), although school (the verb) tends to spread out all over the house. HA ! We have since added some more furniture, hung things on the walls, etc, which I will post photos of soon as well. Enjoy.
Have a fantastic 2009-2010 school year.
Love the room - love the paint color - and love the quilt board! Did you make that?
Ruthanne - groovy!
Live4evermom - It is exciting to start out. I hope it stays that way through the year!
Karen - Thanks! That's how we pretty much tackle school, too.
Sandy Toes - love the pic. I've never met a person who's a HSLDA member and not a homeschooler! LOL
Nicole - ;) My kitteh is awesome.
heathermommie - We read on my cushy bed, too. I have a memory foam pad on my king size mattress and everyone loves sinking in to a "good book" on mama's bed.
Tammy - love that - "School (the verb)". Cute! You have a mighty big school room! And lots of books! Love them books!
knit1kids4 - Thanks. No, my best friend made the quilted corkboard for me. Cork squares covered with batting and quilt fabric - hung with velcro strips and adhesive. So far it has stayed up beautifully. She let me pick all the fabrics. It was a blast - she and her family helped me rearrange furniture, paint, trim, & decorate in a last-minute sneak project to surprise my hubby (because he's afraid to let me paint) while he was out of town. They stayed at my house for 3 days! It was a blast. If you keyword search my blog for 'teal paint' it will take you back to the full story (or you can just scroll through July 2008's archive). I think she got the idea for the cork-art from Pottery Barn.
I love your school room. So pretty! Love the bookshelves. You can never have too many of those.
I moved school to the dining room this year. I love it, and plan on blogging about it soon.
I love the maps!!! What a practical yet beautiful tool -- wish I had the wall space to do that.
We also have a room designated to school. It is as eclectic as our style, I guess.. a place for our books, a cozy love seat, a little cabinet from an antique sale, craft table, a little wooden chair and stool, piano, chalkboard stacks of games and puzzles and manipulatives. But as for where we learn... we are so with you. We learn on clipboards in the car, stirring in the kitchen, scrambling up mountains, talking in the dark. Loved getting to know you better through this post! :)
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