Ahoy there! I told you all yesterday that I needed a blog T-shirt that says "I blog for food", right? Now you know it's true. Today, you get a chance to actually win the snacks! Pirate's Booty snacks, that is.
On the surface, they look like chips - but they have a whole lot going for them:
* baked: made from air-puffed rice and corn
* unrefined: rice and corn bran still contain germ and endosperm (vitamins!)
* no trans-fats
* no gluten (grains kept in dedicated silos that contain no wheat)
* no preservatives
* no artificial sweeteners
* Kosher
* light: no more than 140 calories per single-serving bag
* Original Tings and Veggie flavored Pirate's Booty are Vegan friendly
* made in a nut-free facility
They say Pirate's booty is so good for you that it only has a six month shelf-life... but after tasting them, I highly doubt anyone has made it that long to test the theory. They are really tasty. They sent us a groovy paper pirate box full of snacky treasures - a sample of each piraty flavor - and a pen with their logo. After the snacks disappeared in a few days, my son confiscated the treasure chest and filled it with all his fake gold pieces and money and it sits at the bottom of his closet shelf. I dare you to try and take it from him!
Our favorites were the Aged White Cheddar Pirate's Booty, the Original Tings (which taste like a Cheetos without all that nasty dye and fake flavoring), and the Smart Puffs with Real Wisconsin Cheddar. These crunchy snacks reminded me of a story about a raccoon that my sister-in-law met on a camping trip one time. Even raccoons know that humans eat trash... because he got a hold of my sister-in-law's bag of Cheetos and rubbed the flavoring off before he would eat them! Took them in his wittle paws and scrubbed the orange stuff off so he could just munch on the puffed corn underneath it. I bet that little critter would have loved him some Pirate's Booty, too.

Pirate's Booty is pretty hip as a company as well. Above is their iPhone wallpaper (they have other sizes, too) - great for "Talk Like a Pirate Day". They even have a piratey blog and a piratey facebook page!
Here's some advice from their food "Booty Blog":
* Don't be a Son of a Biscuit Eater: Trade in the white bread for slices of a whole-grain or a whole wheat wrap instead.
* Cut the Sugar, Scallywag – Avoid over sugary snacks and cakes and your child will surely avoid the inevitable energy crash and possible weight gain.
* Avast ye the Salt – Super salty snacks can dehydrate a youngling, so watch the sodium intake.
* Don’t Drop the Snack Anchor – Noshing on snacks that are low in sugar and fat will keep a child’s energy up for that big test in between breakfast and lunch.
Wallpaper designs
Would you like a treasure chest full of snacky goodness and a Pirate's Booty pen of your own? Do you have some young'ns that are in need of something crunchy to munch on that won't rot their gut and make them sea sick? Well, Pirate's Booty can be yours soon... if you just follow these simple rules, mateys:
NOTE: Each of these counts as one entry and must be listed in a separate comment! Aye, you may enter once for each item (except the tweets - you can tweet once per day).
* Fan Pirate's Booty on Facebook
* Go check out the Pirate's Booty Website and see where you can purchase them that's close to where you live
* Tweet about this post - Arrrr... come win a treasure chest of #piratesbooty snacks from @sprittibee : http://bit.ly/2jn69Y Please RT!
* Join my Google Friends Crew, Matey!
* Stumble this post (or use another bookmarking site of your preference)
* Follow my blog on a reader or by email
Entry comments must be dated on or before October 29th, 2009. The winner will be chosen at random on October 30th. All winners will be announced on October 31st.
This contest is one of the 4, 5 or 6 give-aways I'll be having this week. Don't miss them! I'll be linking them all at The Homeschool Post on October 15th. Be sure to visit the Blog-Give-Away Linkup over there to catch all the groovy Give-Aways that are going on in the homeschool community online.
Good luck and 'Fair Winds'.

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I like to call it "Pirate's Boo-tay" hah hah... love the new banner... I don't see your actual page often - just via RSS reader so I miss the updates.
LOL - LJC, too cute. Glad you stopped in. I need to hop over to your site and see what you have up for a fall banner. I always love your graphics. :) My kids drew the ones on my site!
This isn't an entry because I'm not interested in making them a fan (I am very picky about who I fan). But I wanted to emphasize that this stuff tastes GREAT. We had it up in WA and I'd occasionally get some from the natural foods grocery store (whose name I am forgetting)
I like Pirate's Booty now and again. I'm very happy they have it at my Costco [smile].
Sounds yummy! Too bad they don't have any in our area. Better luck next time in that arena.
(trying again). We love Pirate's Booty here (favorites are the Aged White Cheddar and the Veggie Booty, which my kids will pick any day over cheetos). I joined the FB fanclub. They carry it at our local Whole Foods and I thought I saw it at Kroger a few weeks ago (but isn't listed on the store finder). Our Trader Joes used to carry it too, but now we get ours through our local food-buying co-op. :)
FB fan I am, I am! ARGH!
FB fan!
There is no where to buy them nearby :( I loved them when we were in FL!
I'm a friend on google.
And I subscribe via RSS :)
BTW! There is a coupon in this "month's" (good until Nov 1) Costco coupon book for the AGed White Cheddar. And they had samples yesterday. Yum!
I became a FB fan of Pirate's booty! THey are at the WHole Foods market and now at Costco too! Yea!
I LOVE this stuff! I can get it at Kroger. :-)
fanned pirate's booty on facebook (Dee Gee)
I can buy them at my local whole foods store!
I follow you on google friend connect (DG)
p.s. fanned pirate's booty on facebook as Dee Gee - just in case!
stumbled upon Dreamer08
follow and tweeted
LOVE the Aged White Cheddar - it's our fav!! :D
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