Because I'm a #namedropper, I am bringing you this wonderful e-book about Twitter by Allison Worthington Media: The Smart Girl's Guide to Twitter. Yes, that's THE Alli Worthington that I had my picture taken with at Type-A Mom; the very one that runs BlissfullyDomestic.com and the Blissdom Conference. When I say THE, I laugh at the fact that she would giggle and shake her head at me for saying it. Maybe even give me the 'crazy Alli eyes' in shock. No matter how hot-to-trot Allison Worthington may seem in her fancy green dress, she's also the most down-to-earth person you'll ever meet; and honest to a fault.
She's real, y'all. And real - in blog world and in books (even e-books) - SELLS.
That's why I was so thrilled when she told me I could give away a copy of her e-book. Not just because I get to namedrop or to get traffic from people interested in getting a copy of her book... but because I WANTED TO READ IT MYSELF! And so she gave me my very own personal copy (there's your stinkin' disclaimer, FTC). Too bad she can't autograph it. That's only one thing about e-books that bums me out - I'll be honest. I am not really an e-book gal. I love a good smelling book in my hands. I'll have to print this one out eventually, because it HAS to go on my bookshelf. Somehow.
I wasn't surprised that Alli can write. I mean, duh, right? She is a fab blogger. And I was amazed that even though I thought I knew all there was to know, I learned something about tweeting! [Proceed to check-out and purchase her book if you don't know what 'tweeting' means. Do not pass go, and for the love of PETE, please don't wait a second longer!] I've been using Twitter for... like... EVER in blog years... and I'm a pretty active tweeter. I thought I knew my way around.
But NOT like Alli! She knows her tweetiebird, baby. Alli has it goin' on! If she doesn't be careful, her blogging will suffer. But I don't have to tell her that.
Just listen to the topics in this book (and let them go right on over your head - cuz you should just admit it now that you NEED to read this book... ):
Getting Started (basic twitter stuff for newbies)
Setting up Twitter (helping you 'get your twitter groove on')
Mechanics (@mentions, direct messages, ReTweets, #Hashtags, spotting spammers, building your network, being followable, what not to do, etc.)
Action Plan (staying power - getting good at your tweetness)
Tweet Magic (Taking it to the Next Level - where she discusses and compares applications that make your tweeting RAWK!)
Cool things You Can Do with Twitter (COOOOL!)
Twitter for your Business (awesome tips and instructions - gotta have'em)
Twitter TOOLS (connecting accounts to facebook/blog, etc)
Answered Questions (yeah - someone else is asking, so you don't look dumb!)
And there are graphics, yo! LOOKEY-HERE DUMMY graphics for those of us who are visual learners (you know who you are - QUIT SKIMMING THE BOOK and READ IT!). It's almost like she's sitting there over your shoulder teaching you in your living room on your own PC screen. Kinda spooky.
If free virtual tutoring lessons isn't enough, she's donating 10% of her proceeds to Compassion International: one of my favorite charities. When I do a search on Goodsearch.com, I donate to them, too.
So, win this sweet Tweet of an e-book and do what Alli says:
"Kick up your heels, grab a cup of coffee, and join me as I show you how to use Twitter like a rock star."
Get Alli's book and start using Twitter BETTER. Form relationships and bless the online world with YOU. You can do it. It isn't hard. Twitter is nothing to be afraid of. Alli explains it like your best friend would. And she promises if you read till the end of her book that you'll know more about Twitter than 90% of the people that use it (even tho she admits she just made that statistic up - I told you she was honest!). And she'll give you a cute little #SGC (Smart Girl Community) badge for being smart by LEARNING SOMETHING NEW about your online world.

Yeah. I know. You want this e-book.
NOTE: Each of these counts as one entry and must be listed in a separate comment! You may enter once for each item (except the tweets - you can tweet once per day).
For those who use Twitter already: Tell me your favorite tweet. I want it in quotes! Share your 140 characters of tweety goodness with me.
For those who don't use Twitter: Share your favorite blog post by Alli
For those of you who don't Twitter and have no idea who Alli is: Go check out her blog and tell me if you like it.
* Tweet about this post - @Sprittibee is giving away a copy of @alliworthington 's e-book: Smart Girl's Guide to Twitter - come enter here: http://bit.ly/1eMDuL #SGC
* Join my Google Friends
* Stumble this post (or use another bookmarking site of your preference)
* Follow my blog on a reader or by email
Entry comments must be dated on or before October 29th, 2009. The winner will be chosen at random on October 30th. All winners will be announced on October 31st.
This contest is one of the 4, 5 or 6 give-aways I'll be having this week. Don't miss them! I'll be linking them all at The Homeschool Post's Give-Away Blog Hop. Be sure to visit the Blog-Give-Away Linkup over there to catch all the groovy Give-Aways that are going on in the homeschool community online.
Do your friends tweet? Well that's cool. Rock out!

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Sweet! My favorite twitter post that I've made lately:
Today is a Disney kind of day! I scored HUGE at the book sale--got 20 pristine vintage Disney records including the Just So Stories!!!
Kind of lame i know. THat's why I need the book :)!
And I subscribed via RSS.
And I tweeted @HappyLHomemaker.
And I'm a stalker on google :).
My favorite tweet was from @VelveteenMind "I'm living with George Costanza as a 4 year old. Must take his shirt off to go poop. Dear God, please let him be employable at 40." I totally get it but she said it SO much better!
This obviously won't count but was hilarious and had to share too: by @AnissaMayhew "I swear by all that is holy I am about to birth a hobbit from my chin."
Here's my tweet:
Yup, she has a cute blog...I have heard of twitter, really who hasn't? I have yet to take the plunge and to be honest not sure that I want to commit!! lol
Thanks for the entry into your giveaway. :)
I could really use her e-book!
I read your posts in my Google reader. :)
My delicious feed in linked on my blog as well. :)
my favorite recent tweet was "my iphone has christmas spirit already. it just corrected what was supposed to be "remind" to "reindeer"" - i got a tweet back from santa claus that me and my iphone got added to the good list @carrieactually
My favorite tweet was from @AmyStark "Better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt - Mark Twain =)"
I tweeted about it but still don't know where to find the url. Does she cover that in the book?
i really want to read this! so jealous you got a copy already.
i'm a subscriber!
just tweeted!
Awesome!! My favorite tweet is from awomaninspired: “Bible” It should fill the memory, rule the heart and guide the feet.
Just tweeted about your post!!
Hey Heather...
I can't join you with Google Friends... b/c I've been your friend for a while!! Lovin reading through your posts with Google Reader as its easier for me to keep up with my blogging friends that way (better then searching through tons of emails when I just want to read posts)!!
Thx for holding this give-away!! Can't wait to see who wins - sounds like a great book that we all need!
Hugs & Prayers, HL (Heather Lyn)
Ok, I need this book, even if, like you, I prefer to hold something in my hand. Got way too confused with the instructions....this is a remedial chick here. On to step two....
All righty, I'm following!! From a safe distance....
Retweeted your tweet that got me here. That's as technical as I get. See, I need this book!!
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