Besides being a wife, mama, and homeschooler - I'm a photo nut. This should come as no surprise to those of you who have ever been here before.
Photo nuts heart Adobe. That's just a given fact. See? You aren't learning anything new yet. But you will... just wait...
The photo up above was altered in Lightroom by my friend Dawn. It looks like a pro photo, right? Well, at least I thought so. I may be a bit biased.
I emailed the picture to Dawn to see what she would do with it in Lightroom because I love playing with pictures. And I love seeing what other people create when they play with pictures. Just look at the difference...
Here's the SOOC (straight out of the camera):

Amazing, hu?
Software is expensive, though! Who can afford all the stuff that pro photographers use?! I wanted to give them a try though. So I did. After using trail versions of Photoshop and Lightroom, I'm now hooked. The only hurdle is the price.
That's why it is great that you can buy discounted software (and lots of other things) at Academic Superstore. I love them so much that I signed up to be an affiliate. I'm so thrilled to find a company with such great prices - and they are even local (Austin based)... aren't I lucky?
You only have to submit proof that you are homeschooling (such as a receipt for your homeschool curriculum you purchased) to get the awesome student/teacher discount they offer - up to 85% off on certain items in their store!
On my wish list are these items:
Photoshop CS4 ($298.95)
Lightroom ($98.95)
Windows 7 ($119.95)
Office Professional 2007 ($179.95)
You just can't beat those prices. Even if it takes me a long time to get them purchased (likely), at least they are doable one-at-a-time at 50-85% off. If you are pining away and planning to buy some upgraded software this Christmas (especially if you are a homeschool parent), be sure to check out Academic Superstore! Even better, click over and buy your stuff from here! You'll help me save up towards my Christmas wishes.

Quick Links:
Another Post where I used Pioneer Woman's Photoshop Actions
Admit it, You Came for the Pictures (and another)
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yep, that's how I got lightroom. I couldn't do what I do without it.
cute pic!
Love Lightroom! You should download the beta for Lightroom 3...it's free right now. ; )
Thanks for the link, I would love to upgrade my photoshop!
i'm glad you posted the prices. i really want photoshop and lightroom too and i wondered what they'd cost at the homeschool discount price. if i order them i'll use your affiliate link.
Hey, girl! I didn't know you wanted the pic for a post. Thanks for the link lovin'. I'm waiting to see when LR 3 full version comes out...
Photography is addicting isn't it? I emailed you back. Call me soon and I'll share an insider with you. And thank you for the card. SO sweet!
Hi, Heather. Your sister-in-law told me about you. We go to church together. I am also a homeschool mom. I have two blogs, one for art and one for sewing. I'd love for you to pay me a visit. Oh, and my 9 year old daughter, Emily, has has her own sewing blog. It's www.sewingsister.blogspot.com Now I'm off to look all through your blog.
That's how I bought our new Photoshop & Lightroom for the new iMac. Gotta love an educator discount! :)
Good one on Sprittibee and it helps a lot.
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