I sent out the winner emails last night after our weekend project of drawing and assigning prizes for the winners of the Homeschool Blog Awards. I wanted to share with you all the pictures we took - and graphics we made of the winner blogs. They aren't pictures of the blogs, but rather photos of my kids' stuffed animals that they 'assigned' to 'be' each winner in the drawing. It was kind of like a proxy drawing, I guess. Each blogger had an animal 'representative' standing in for them.
So cute to see the kids take ownership of the project and make it a fun and educational thing.
Aren't they cute?
Here the 'contestants' are, all lined up and nervous as they make their way to the front of the line...

The ones that didn't fit right in the slideshow are here:

I hope you'll stop over at the Homeschool Post and check out the actual links to these great bloggers' digs. All of the winners are now listed in the Post sidebar for your browsing pleasure!

Heather, this was such a cute idea! Thank you...and your kids!...for all the hard work and creativity. I love that my stand-in is a crocodile. It's like sooooo pirate.
Good one on Sprittibee - it helps a lot!
We clearly share similar parenting experiences and views.
I've been reading one that I'm hooked on - http://todayscliche.com/.
I have a feeling you'd get a lot out of it.
Incredible job on your blog; keep it up.
Congrats, you are one of my winners for the Home Educated Family Magazine. I just need your address to have it sent to you.
Angela Richter
Very cool! My kids were excited to see the whole thing too!
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