Today I bring you the story of a sad, upset little elf that is cutting his teeth and has his napping and nighty-night schedule all out of sorts. Not only is our elf miserable, but his family is failing at having an orderly, organized, smooth, and focused holiday month.
If you skip over all my silly talk, be sure to check out the links I have below - they are December-sensitive and you might kick me if you forget to check them out and find out about missing out on them later. Trust the frazzled Mama Bee. If I took time at midnight on a Friday during the two precious hours I have to myself, there are worthwhile things in this post. So KEEP READING, OK?
You know I'm a list maker, so here are the things I'm #FAILing at lately:
They say opposites attract. Never am I more sure of this than holidays. My husband is able to buy a gift 12 months in advance, wrap it quietly, hide it in a closet, and NEVER LET ON that he even bought it. What is up with that? It's almost like he's a robot. Hmmmm.
2. I didn't catch ONE SINGLE Black or Cyber or Free Shipping deal online or elsewhere this 'holiday shopping season'. Not a one. It wasn't because I was broke, either. Of course, I am broke, but I was planning to get a couple of things during the brief span of time that they were semi-affordable... and I couldn't get to it. There's a lot of things I'm not getting to lately.
Did I mention that I have a teething baby living in my house?
3. My email boxes are so full that I'm considering deleting them and starting over with a new account. I'll pretend that the computer crashed and I accidentally lost everything. So if you are trying to reach me, please keep trying. I figure if it is important, you'll nag me. If it's not, then... well, it's not. The stress from just logging in to my G-mail is what the word 'Bahumbug' was created for. It makes me feel all NOT Christmassy. And stuff.
4. Snail mail is even worse. Every Christmas card I get reminds me of how tardy mine are. And I'm a greeting card JUNKIE. I LOVE snail mail, people. Last year I abandoned the traditional 'annual letter' for a card because I was too pregnant and lazy to write it out. This year I figured I would write TWO YEARS WORTH of stuff to catch up. I love to torture my relatives. Aren't you glad you aren't on my Christmas list? But... as hard as it is for me to find the time to sit and write for longer than 15 minutes, I may have to resort to a photo card this year as well. Lucky for me that DaySpring (who I'm soon to become an affiliate for - because they ROCK) and Snapfish have some deals running... and I happen to know a few card publishers myself (name dropping for my buddy Darcy whose business cards I saw floating around at the Type-A Mom Blog Conference - shoot her an email and ask her about her 'cards' and 'business cards').
OK. Now that I've gotten that off my chest, here are a few things you need to check out:

I discovered a really neat site called the Christmas Price Index - which teaches kids about money. It was so neat and fun that I added a link and graphic to their site in my "Recommends" box up on the top right. They aren't a paid sponsor, but I still think their site deserves a click. In fact, they are doing an online class for kids (that you have to register for), too. If it is as cool as their website, I'm signing my junior high kids up for it!
Info from PNC...
The third annual CPI Live Chat will cover educational and real-world aspects of the PNC Christmas Price Index and allow real-time access to PNC executives and experts.
When: Thursday, Dec. 17, 2009 at 10:30 a.m. ET.
Who: Jim Dunigan, managing executive of investments, PNC Wealth Management, Stu Hoffman, chief economist, PNC, and Joelle Keats, economics teacher, North Allegheny High School, will be available to answer questions.
How: Participants can pre-register through this link: http://azulweb.streamguys.com/pnc_12days.asx.
Academic Superstore is offering $10 off your $150 order if you buy before December 31st. When you consider that their software is already cheap and you add the 10$ off... well, you would just be silly not to jump on it. And of course, if you do jump - please jump from MY site button (because I'm an affiliate and you would be helping me jump on a few deals over there this holiday season if you tell them I sent you). Info about the extra deals is here...
- To claim your extra 10$ off of your order, use the code PARENT10 ($10 off $150 good through Dec 31st)
- See their last minute Holiday Bargains - guaranteed to be in stock!
- Check out their Recommended Gifts from our more than 20,000 products. Of course, I'm biased towards the gifts I have on my wish list... (With the extra 10$ discount, Photoshop becomes: $288.95, Win 7 Upgrade: $109.95, & Office Pro: $169.95)!

My kids did the drawing for the Homeschool Blog Awards winners today. All of the prizes are decided. They had a blast matching up their stuffed animals to the different winning blogs and drawing the prizes (written on tiny folded slips of paper) from a pitcher. We even did a photo op for all of the animals and created a graphic for each blogger. Hopefully you'll be seeing them all around the blogosphere soon - after I find the time to email them out.

I posted about Tacos on my food blog this week and updated a long-time favorite recipe for Lentil Tacos (which is extremely frugal, very healthy and totally delicious). You have to try it to believe it's as good as meat.
There are some really neat links popping up on Twitter lately for the holidays. Here are a few that I thought were worth sharing:
- Create your own Christmas Card tutorial
- Great idea for the list maker, a holiday Gingerbread Chain
- Please pray for Baby Josie Duggar (19th Duggar child), born this week at 1lb., 6oz. (was due in March)
- The Classic Housewife has an Advent Series going on at her blog. (courtesy of @AmberOliver)
- If you are like me and the cards aren't in the mail yet - here are 3 free Photoshop card templates you can drop a picture in & print! How easy is that?! (courtesy of @LightStalking)
I'm sure I'm forgetting something. And it's 2:46AM. The birds may be up before I get in bed at this rate. I've already nursed the teething elf twice since I started this post and considered going to bed and giving up on writing both times (this is how blogging dies a slow death around here since baby was born 9 months ago - and the reason for all the days between posts). Not sure how much of a 'happy birthday honey' mood I'll be in tomorrow, but I'm certainly thankful my sweetheart of 17 years doesn't like breakfast in bed.
He'd much rather have a clean house. Which might be a bit of a Christmas failure as well... or rather, a birthday week failure?
Anyway... I hope you are enjoying your busy December. Just remember, every moment is a precious gift. Just try and hang in there and take a deep breath - ride the holiday wave with gratitude and joy in your heart no matter the circumstances. Easier said than done? Sure. But counting your blessings helps. I tried it this week and it really works at calming those elf-damaged nerves.
Too bad counting your blessings doesn't alleviate teething pain and magically wash your dishes like on Mary Poppins. If only.

That face is so precious-even when he 's grumpy!
About that g-mail....I only nag people I know well!lol That's o.k.-your still listed as one of my fav. bloggers on my new blog!
Twitter seems to have trumped G-mail for tech-savvy ladies. Since I still live in the Middle Ages, I'm not one of them -yet!
Thanks for all the info. Hope you get some rest.
Love in Christ,
love that pic up top! so cute.
Very cute picture - and about the counting your blessings...I found this quote recently, which I love:
"Remember this December that love weighs more than gold." So even if you don't get all those pesky gifts....
Merry Christmas!
Thank you for being so REAL. I feel exactly the same way sometimes and it's nice to know that I'm not the only one struggling to keep all of my balls in the air :)
I've had this open in my browser since the other night. ;)
Sorry he's teething but he IS awfully cute isn't he??
And don't feel bad about the cards, I haven't written a letter OR mailed any cards. Sheesh!
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