My husband wants me to take the baby for a haircut. He says that the little Viking's hair is driving him crazy because it is so long, uneven, and out of control.
I just can't cut it. It would be like cutting my heart out - little snips at a time... watching my baby's curls fall to the barber shop floor. Part of me would be forever dead.

We've long called him "Rooster" because his hair grew in like a Mohawk naturally. It is short on the sides and long and wispy or curly on top - not an even length anywhere... but oh, so dreamy. I love it. [And his head smells like heaven - especially with a touch of Bedtime Lotion.]
It's not like he isn't 'presentable'. It isn't way down over his ears. He doesn't look like 'Cousin It' from the Adams Family. He hasn't morphed into a hippie or a surfer dude yet. There's really no reason to rush to the barber shop.
Can't a mama enjoy those baby curls just a little bit longer? I don't ask for much.

Daddy is the only one in the family who shares the opinion that Baby Bee is unfashionable. My mama has threatened that if I let him cut the baby's hair, she'll never speak to me again.

Little man doesn't fret much about his hair. He's just happy to have so many adoring fans in the family. [He pretends to be bashful, but he's really not.]
Those curls will be gone soon enough...

... and I'm sure mommy will tuck one away in the baby book when Daddy finally wins the hair-cut argument... but for now... I'm happy just being wrapped up in them - in love.

Oh, how I love this post... and the precious curls. :)
Those curls are beautiful. Your son is gorgeous! I was just having this discussion with my husband about cutting our 18mo's hair. She too has curls in the back. She sort of has a mullet, but since she's a girl we can get away with it!
Oh I love his adorable little curls!
If you just trim the sides when they grow over his ears and the front when it grows down past his eyebrows, (and maybe the the nape of his neck) you can keep him from looking shaggy, enjoy those curls for quite a while, and let the shorter parts catch up with the longer parts. =)
Okay, you may NOT cut it, I forbid it. (Like that matters). None of my kiddos had haircut until I really got hassled about it. (Luckily the two oldest boys were curly so I could get away with it.)
he does not need a haircut. not at all.
Gorgeous photos. What a handsome chap!
I love baby curls! So cute! My new little one has TONS of curls (being african american it's a given). I hurried and clipped a few curls for the baby book because he is quickly loosing the soft silky curls.
You have such great shots of your little one! What a sweetie.
Our 6th is the first one we've had with curls. It was so hard for me to cut them off of him too.... but alas, he really was looking rather girly. Now he looks like a handsome little boy - thankfully his hair still curls up after a bath! :)
What lovely curls!
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