I've had a lot on my mind in the past week or so. (Ha! Pretty cute picture, eh?)
So for now... let me digress from the heavy topics and take you on a quick trip down Lamar here in Austin.

The folks from Austin like to share their motto on bumper stickers and t-shirts: "Keep Austin Weird". It is definitely a strange landscape... as a drive down any main thoroughfare will reveal.

Check out the Light Bulb Shop on Lamar. I've been wanting to get a picture of this groovy dude for ages. I finally talked my husband in to stopping for me to attach the Tamron Zoom lens.

Yeah, that guy is way up in the sky, so you have to have a zoom lens to get a good picture of him. I love my Tamron.
And on our way back home, we passed this little donkey...

Don't worry. He's laughing WITH you, not at you.
And so am I.
It's good to laugh a little when things are crazy. I'm laughing quite a bit lately.

Laughing is the best!
Those are great!
Haha... Amazing!!!
Pflugerville's slogan is between a rock and a weird place.
Too funny! I love quirky signs and sculptures and such.
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