One of those people - well, peoples - is DAYSPRING's (In)Courage. Have you heard of them? They are only one of the most amazing and uplifting Christian women's blogs around. I heart their devotionals and adore their authors (even though I'm not quite cool enough to be one - probably not organized enough to be one, either -- seeing as how this give-away I'm about to introduce is LATE). Sorry, Lisa-Jo!

(in)courage and DaySpring are sponsoring giveaways on all the Relevant conference sponsored blogs leading up to the Relevant conference! That means me and the other 7 winners of their sponsorship tickets. I'm the photography winner... and am so thrilled that I get to go see my blog sisters in RL this week. My plane leaves town in two days! [and i'm not packed!!!]
Before I head out on a jet plane, I'd like to thank you - my readers (all twenty of you - shhh, don't tell Dayspring) and deck your walls with this FREE canvas wall art set:

Aren't these so cute? They would look fantastic right in the middle of my new chocolate brown dining room wall between the white book cases we use for homeschooling. And they say (those who are decoratively inclined like the Nester), that you should group things in threes... and well, there are THREE of them. Faith, Hope and LOVE -- a great reminder of some very important things that every family needs for great (In)RL relationships to flourish.
Have you heard of (in)RL? The amazing (in)courage folks have created a way to get us all out from behind the screen and in real life, face-to-face meetings on April 27-28, 2012! You can host an (in)RL meet up or find one in your hometown. Click here to register!
To Enter:
- Leave a comment about something you find (In)Couraging. [I could use a little encouraging right now after our whole family was sick last week and mama's still got lingering sinus pressure and a little bit of a cough.]
- Follow @DaySpringCards or @incourage on Twitter
- Like DaySpringFans or incourage on Facebook
- Register for {in}RL – to host or attend.
- Follow Sprittibee on Google Connect, @sprittibee on Twitter, or share this post on Facebook.
- Add this post to your Pinterest account and pin this lovely Dayspring canvas trio
- Tweet this post!
Here are the other giveaways going on now: Kristen’s giveaway, Jennifer’s giveaway, Mandy’s giveaway, Michelle’s giveway, Mary’s giveaway, Myra's giveaway, and Cara’s giveaway!
Dayspring is giving away a lot of awesome prizes on each of these blogs this week -- be sure to visit each of them! If you can't come to hang out with us in RL at Relevant, at least you could get some awesome "swag".

I am (in)couraged after a rough day alone with my kids that my husband is home.
I'm (in)couraged that you get to go! Someday I hope to!
PS these would be perfect for my husband's and my redone bedroom--
Pick me pick me...
I follow you on Gfriendre
I am encouraged after buying Tell Your Time by Amy Lynn Andrew.It's the first time management book that I didn't want to throw across the room and that might actually work for me!
(Note: I'm not an affiliate or anything-at least not yet:)
Have a safe and fun trip, Spritti! Hope you are feeling your best while at Relevant!
Hope you have a great trip! I'm (in)couraged by the wonderful fellowship you ladies are going to have, and then share back with us who couldn't make it! Looking forward to watching the keynotes online.
I follow incourage on twitter. (@okiebelle)
I registered with {in}rl to attend a meet up in OK. I hope it works out for me to go...
I follow you on Twitter. (@okiebelle)
For me, my kids are (in)couraging to my heart and day...the laughter, inside jokes and all-over goofiness of 4 teens and a pre-teen kiddo make my nights interesting! <3
I am registered for the (in)RL event.
I am (in)couraged by so many wonderful blogs I read from time to time.
you are such an inspiration- have read through a few of your awesome postings- and that re-convinced me that Homeschooling is the Way! would love to meet you one day, since I am in Austin as well.
I follow @DaySpringCards and @incourage on twitter.
I'm (in)couraged when my husband & children wrap their arms around me and tell me they love me.
bamagv at aol dot com
I follow DaySpring on Twitter (@TheJohnsFamily)
bamagv at aol dot com
I follow (in)courage on Twitter (@TheJohnsFamily)
bamagv at aol dot com
I follow you on Twitter (@TheJohnsFamily)
bamagv at aol dot com
I am (in)couraged by the open and real Moms I have met in this amazing blogosphere...and that you were the first person I sent a question to....and you responded....to me...(I only have 1 reader...so, you are def way up there with 20)! Hahaha! Hope you have a BLESSED time at Relevant...wishing I was on my way!
I'm (in)couraged when I hear my 5yo daughter's prayers at night...especially when she says, "Thank you, God, for letting us worship You."
I follow (in)courage on Twitter!
I follow you on Twitter!
I'm (in)couraged when I stop and look to the Lord and let Him minister to me in the middle of a hectic, noisy time.
Following Dayspring on twitter.
I like Dayspring on Facebook.
I shared this giveaway on Facebook.
candles and music can be very encouraging! But I also love a note from a friend!!
I follow Dayspring on twitter (parresia)
I follow incourage on twitter (parresia)
following sprittibee on twitter (parresia)
I'm getting so much out of that (in)courage site lately. I believe it was that site where I read a deeply moving post today about being a Velveteen Mama. Spoke to me big time.
~ Wendy
very interesting) liked it !
I am following @DaySpringCards on twitter.
I am following @incourage on Twitter My name is @threelogans
I have Like DaySpringFans on Facebook
I am following Sprittibee on Google Connect.
I am following @sprittibee on Twitter.
Thank you for sharing this article. I love it. Keep on writing this type of great stuff.
I am incouraged with the many blessings in my life especially children!
Beautiful fall weather!
I'm (in)couraged by watching my 3 little ones interact with one another especially if they are helping each other and putting the other before themselves. Also, I'm (in)couraged just by their smiles and laughs. So, join in and smile with them!
I follow dayspring on twitter
I am a fan of dayspring on fb
I am registered to be a hostess for IRL!
I follow you on twitter!
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