August 13, 2007

Catblogging: Guess Who's NOT Helping Unpack?


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Anonymous said...

Aww, poor baby! You could use her for a "feather" duster! :)


bigwhitehat said...


Amelia Antwiler said...

Of course the cat doesn't help. *L* You're the servants. You're supposed to do it - and faster, please. *L*

Besides that - he'll (she'll?) miss all the boxes when you're done.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Aww....

I really hope I am not annoying you with all my comments. I know you're busy...

Love you,

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

There she is, Super Minga, Protector of Humans against any and all rodents and other sundry vermin. All she needs is a cape and a mask! LOL!! :D

Anonymous said...

Oh, cute kitty! She looks a little perplexed!

Sprittibee said...

Bev - My father in law has already offered to skin her so I could use her as a duster. :) He hates cats!

BWH - Yeah, she's cute, but the problem is - she KNOWS IT.

comfydenim - I haven't performed properly as a servant to her standards. She's always put out with me. That is one reason we call her "Minga the Snott". And yes, she will miss the boxes. She doesn't want me to unpack them. :) She likes to sit on the tip tops of them and look DOWN at us.

Jocelyn - You are never annoying! I enjoy your comments. :) I spend thirty minutes or an hour online in the morning to get my day started. I check email, blog, etc... and then I go down and eat breakfast and take my shower. I'm sure that this timeframe will change as soon as school starts and I'll have to do my blogging in the evening after that. I have been enjoying it lately though... because it is a nice distraction to all the chaos in the house.

Bunny- she actually does protect us from spiders, bees, wasps and other large bugs. She catches them and duels with them (like the huge carpenter bee that stung her multiple times on the paw after their fight). She eats the smaller bugs. Even the spiders. We call her the "Pider Eater".

Randi - She always has a stunned look. Her eyes are HUGE. She is as soft as silk. And has the most silky and fluffy fur ever. She is really a pretty cat... but has a crazy wild side. She likes to stalk the kids (especially my youngest girl). I worry about the baby!

Anonymous said...

awww hahaha what a snob, but SO CUTE! hope y'all are settling in well to the new house, i know this is all a huge change, but welcomed nonetheless

Anonymous said...

Hi! Your cat is so cute! When we moved to our new house I had opened up a drawer to put things in it. I turned to get stuff out of the box, turned back and found my cat sitting in the drawer. Talk about not helping!

Abiding in the Vine!

Kelly Curtis said...

Ha! Too funny. Yeah, that would be my cat.



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