March 25, 2009

Wordful Wednesday: Labor, Delivery, Recovery, Home


And here are those photos from my labor and delivery that you've been waiting on...

Yes, I twittered some while in labor. It drove my husband batty. He almost refused to bring the computer in the room for me... but finally gave in since the labor lasted all day. I've been hoping to get some of these photos posted this past week, but life has been a little off-kilter to say the least. Still don't have a groove down... or nursing back on track... but I haven't given up. There have been glimmers of hope and blessings even with the tears and trails. Just this morning I got on my scale and it told me I was already down to exactly the weight I was when I got pregnant. Too bad my 'shape' isn't the same. I'm certain there are many sit-ups and laps around the block in my future.


And here's the Viking in all his chubby glory - telling those nurses what he thinks about being pricked, poked, rubbed, and Lord knows what else. Everyone was in tears (some for joy, others because the epidural wore off). And Mom finally got her cheeseburger, fries and a coke - after a day of ice chips. I love me some cheeseburger.


The busy labor room behind us, we checked in to postpartum and expected to get some rest. Note: Don't expect rest in a hospital. Another Note: Why do hospitals paint their postpartum rooms GREY? Seems as if they are just testing you to see if you'll get postpartum depression before you leave with all that gloomy paint on the wall.


Hubby and I were so tired that the first day or so was spent sleeping at every available moment. Thankfully my mom was there to help with the first few feedings and stayed up in the night rocking the little night owl to sleep. His little skin was peeling on his hands and feet - and now he looks like a molting lizard.


Kaden finally got to hold his little brother on the second day at home. My mom thinks that he looks just like Kaden did when he was little... but the jury is still out. I think he has my husband's mouth and chin. I can't wait to find out what color his eyes will be and if his hair will stick around - change colors if it falls out and comes back in - or if he'll be bald for a year or two like my other babies were. It is fun getting to know them once they are here.

Sorry about the blog neglect but it's just like that country western song by Doug Stone says...

I could have written a play so sweet and so funny
Given old Mr. Shakespere a run for his money
Written the words to the prettiest tune
That would never leave a dry eye in the room
My only excuse for not doing enough
I was too busy being in love
Yes I was too busy being in love

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Jamie {See Jamie blog} said...

Loved all the photos -- thanks for sharing!

SaraMinerva said...

Great shots :) What a sweet chubs he is. I'm sure you didn't feel like it at the time, but in every photo of you, you are gorgeous!

Paigie asked about you this morning. She wants to make it your direction to see y'all. Maybe we'll make it a seester trip.

Traci Best said...

OHhhh.. Those cheeks are almost too much to bear! I'm sure he is glad I'm here and not there! I'd be pinching ALL his cheeks and rolls! LOL ;)

Anonymous said...

Love all the pictures. He is a cutie, so chubby! Sorry to hear you are still having nursing issues. I hope you can get back to normal (or the new normal) soon.

l said...

What a beautiful little boy you have! Congrats! And, I am still giggling about the computer in the hospital room. :)

Beverly said...

He is easily the most beautiful baby I have ever seen (aside from my own, of course - I have to say that, ya know!)!!! I think he looks like Kevin, too. Lucky guy! ;) I'm so glad to finally see some more pictures!

Larry Clemons said...

Praise God for a beautiful and healthy baby! I have always wondered about the color selection in many of the hospital wards including postpartum. We were fortunate that our two boys were born at a hospital whose maternity ward is referred to as Hotel Overlake! It was great!

Thanks for sharing! I pray that your blessings continue to flow throughout your lives!


Amy Ellen said...

OOOOHHHH... I just love these photos. Thank you so much for sharing! I am so thankful that everything was safe and everyone is doing so well.

I so know what you mean about the difference between weight and shape... and the need for ab work!

Bless your family and your little one!

AmyEllen of

Leslie M. said...

Hi Heather, He is precious! I knew he would be. I hope nursing is smooth by now, and I am praying that you are getting to rest and sleep! Your other children are so cute, they look so proud to be big siblings!!!

Anonymous said...

thank you for sharing. how you look so pretty during labor (and afer), is a miracle i never
what a beautiful baby, and family. you certainly are blessed:)
and the gray true, so true!!

Anonymous said...

I love your pictures!!!

& I can't believe you went into labor with full makeup on & looked so nice afterwards!!!!

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Great pix!! He's so adorable. Love the one with Kaden reading to him. How precious!!

Our family said...

Congrat on the birth!!

Please don't ever apologize for blog neglect when you are so busy with someone adorable!

Your pictures are raelly amazing!

Anonymous said...

What a precious little man :) He's absolutely bee-utiful, and his siblings look mighty in love themselves ;)

Judy said...

Love the pics!!!
Totally understandable why you haven't been blogging.

Jeanne said...

Thanks for sharing.

This is priceless!!

Tammy said...

Congratulations, Heather! Your new little prince is dashingly adorable :-)

I pray you get the feeding issues worked out in the days ahead!

Tammy ~@~
Garden Glimpses

MommyLydia said...

For those of us who don't twitter, can we get stats?

I've got 3/17/09 at 11:13p and this pictures appears to be saying 9 lbs 14 oz?

But what is his name!

Alli Worthington said...


The cute.

I may or may not have just ovulated.




Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! He is such an adorable little boy!! So happy for you and your family.

Love, Jennifer (Wacaster) Lyman

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Hope the nursing sorts itself out quickly. My recent addition had more trouble than the last three...actually, he was as tough as the first. But he got it figured it out.

Jennifer Kindle said...

love the post but I'm afraid if I keep reading and seeing all those cute newborn pictures I'm going to be sad we tied my tubes!! Awh...gotta love those sweet precious new babies with skin too big for their bodies and so sweet smelling...uh...miss it already and my Kate is only 8 months have a beautiful family.

Darcy @ m3b said...

Man, any more of that, and I'm going to start lactating.

Holy gorgeousness. he's perfect in all his wonderful chubbiness. I just love those cheeks and chins. he is perfect!

Beautiful boy.

Keeps those pics coming when you can. Some of us have to live vicariously through you.

Anonymous said...

So very handsome!! Congrats, Heather and family!!

In Christ,

Anonymous said...

Photo montage in one word? Preciousness!


lori said...

Ohhhhhhh......It's just the best GIFT in the world...just keep bein in love...

hugs to you all!

Jacque Dixon said...

He is just beautiful! What a blessing!
I love the photos of Kaden and Morgan holding him!

Here's to rest and snuggling and new baby scents~

Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

He is adorable! He really looks like your dh.

Congratulations and best wishes for a speedy recovery and transition!

Ali said...

Congratulations! I really enjoyed looking at your pictures. What a blessing!

My God Given Mission Field

Melissa Stover said...

oh great photos! enjoy that sweet baby time.

beth @ the brew*crew said...

What great photos, he is absolutely adorable! I especially love the last one of you, hubby and the little guy all snuggly snoozin' together.

Nursing was terribly hard for me for the first two months (or more?), with bleeding, raw n*pples and a baby that wanted to nurse constantly. Eventually it got better and I'm so glad we hung in there, as now it's still such a precious time together, and she's 19 mos.!

You look beautiful, so glad for the update, thanks! Savor every moment Mama!

tammy said...

I'm cracking up that your little sign says you have three more days before he is due! ;) He's adorable and I love how observant he appears to be. Great pictures. Hang in there with the nursing. :)

Owlhaven said...

Precious baby-- congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mary, mom to many

Kelly the Happy Texan said...

Oh, Heather, he's so precious. Congratulations, sweety. Give him a hug from all of us here. :)

MoDLin said...

He is absolutely cherubic! You all look like you're glowing with joy. Wishing you all the best!



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