Some posts on this blog contain affiliate links or sponsored links. I receive a small commission whenever a product is purchased through an affiliate link. Sponsored links are paid for by a company who wishes to improve their Google ranking, but I always check to make sure these are reputable sites and never allow any links that are questionable to be placed.
The links in my "Sweet Linkage" section are either sponsored links or personal links that I find interesting (including the links to the blogs that both of my teen children run).
I occasionally run ads on my blog in exchange for money or traded advertising, or receive products in exchange for a review or giveaway posts. I also participate in campaigns by brands that offer to pay me to write about their products after using them. Any post that is sponsored will be noted as such. All opinions expressed on Sprittibee.com are my own, and any review, give-away, sponsored post, graphic ad, or product that I mention or link to are ones that I believe are reputable and worthy companies.
What a great shot!! You both are so cute! Nice job, Morgan. :D
LOL - the verification word is unping!
What a cutie! I love those little baby smiles and giggles...
I love hear about young entrepreneurs! You're daughter has a good eye for catching your personalities, and a sweet moment. I bet she'll do well in the photography business.
You both have so much personality!
Love in Christ,
awww what a cute shot :) love it!
u may view mine here
That is sweet!
When my sister got married in April, her wedding photographer came to the rehearsal dinner with both her children (son and daughter), who she was teaching the ins and outs of photography. The daughter was also at the wedding as one of the "second shooters" (I think there were three total, plus the regular photographer.) The son and daughter were probably 12 or younger.
What a great Wordless Wednesday! Hope you have a fantastic day!
Baby smiles are the best, although your joy is very apparent in your lovely smile also.
Your 10 year old has a great natural talent for photography, that is for sure.
I think that's so sweet that she wants to be a photographer like her Mommy! The photo is very cute. :)
My Wordless Wednesday
Such a cute little sweet heart
Thanks for the comments. She's sure to cherish them. :) I think both of my older ones are GREAT with the camera. 12 yo boy does as good as his 10 yo sister. Maybe we should start a family thing.
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