11 year old Morgan drew the picture up there. Isn't it pretty? She inherited her mama's artist streak (just like her big brother). The jury is still out yet on little hunk-o-chunk. He has yet to pick up a pencil and draw. Hopefully it won't be a wall that he creates his first masterpiece on.
The kids and I love to draw and create pretty things. You DO know that they did my blog artwork, right? And you DO know that we have sold graphics to bloggers before? Shameless plug, I know. A girl has to do what she can to earn her way to Relevant in October... especially since the sponsorship has been slow coming.
I figured if I couldn't find time to go take pictures in the yellow flowers, I could at least take time out to scan my daughter's artwork and post it for you. Today is the cut-off date for entering in the 'Yellow' challenge with I Heart Faces (I mean yesterday now, naturally). So instead of a photo, I'm doing 'Illustration Tuesday'... er, Wednesday.
You see?
This post took the E N T I R E DAY for me to write; off and on, of course.
There were many interruptions - like bowling with the old people at the nursing home, eating lunch with our co-op friends, taking care of baby, picking up every. stinking. piece. of Tupperware (over and over) off of the floor in the kitchen, making sure that the baby didn't swallow the letter magnets or climb up the stairs, etc. These are important things.
Which brings me to.... I have a beef to pick with I Heart Faces.
There, I said it.
They just go too fast for me!
I am a busy woman. I homeschool my kids. I am the educator, cook, secretary, principal, mediator, chauffeur, courier, nanny, nurse, maid, and chief executive blogger of this household. As much as I adore a great photograph, there is often very little time to take them with my schedule.
That being said, it would be cool if they put their photo challenges up RIGHT AFTER they announced winners... to give us an entire WEEK to find the time to snap some pictures.
I had a few other images in mind for the yellow theme... but no time to post them. Until it was too late.
Now, I realize that I'm not a high-paid professional photographer... I'm just a 'budding' one... a low-paid 'budding' one. Rarely low-paid or even paid at all, actually... But that doesn't mean I should be denied the fun of an inspiring photo challenge each week - just because I have this other, really busy DAY job(s)... the SAHM Ninja kind - with all of its super-powers.
By the time I Heart Faces linky closes each week, I'm always too late... or the dog ate my homework. "That's my story and I'm stickin' to it."
I did manage to get a yellow picture up at the Homeschool Post today. I was working on it before we ate dinner... but by the time I got around to finishing the post, it was after 9PM. So I didn't even get to enter it in the challenge. How's that for cruel irony?
And then this post didn't get finished until tomorrow.
Yellow-bellied, cruel irony. This spinning Earth - out of control...
"It was all yellow."
Oh, well... at least now I know after scanning my entire catalogue of pictures on Picasa that I'm sadly lacking in the cheery color department. I'm planning to rectify the situation as soon as I can find some free time with the camera. Me and Canon are going to work on that little problem together real soon.
I know just the field of yellow wild-flowers to start in. [PLEASE PRAY there are no rattlesnakes. I'm scared of rattlesnakes.]
The end.
That deadline usually does me in, too.
They do have the challenges posted in the sidebar in advance, though, if that helps. :)
Great, funny post. :) You are doing the right thing though - I guarantee that at the end of your life you're not going to say, "Man, I wish I'd been able to participate in more I Heart Faces" - but you will be so glad for every moment you spent with those precious children of yours!
Now, I'm going to get off the computer and go spend some time with my precious kids who are making a special birthday play for my 38th next week.
The deadline makes it hard for me too! I miss a lot of them because of that. I was fortunate this time to have a "yellow" picture already on hand this week.
Your daughter is very talented!Have you used any drawing curriculums or books with her?
I have been laughing out loud reading this post. I did the same thing - and repeatedly do it. I see the whole list of upcoming themes in the sidebar, get my posts all written and scheduled, and then --- get so busy (or if I'm being honest... forget) to link it all up.
For yellow theme - I scheduled post after 9 (cut off) and didn't even come close to getting it linked.
So, why don't we start an I Heart Faces Fails linky each week? Probably would be just me though. And then you on those odd weeks when you are being a super hero.
The dog always eats my homework.
Dawn - Wow. Thanks for that little tidbit. It would pay if I looked at their sidebars, right? :) I generally steer clear of them since that's where the fluff is - but sometimes a sidebar has great information.
GWENNNNIE!!!! You beat me to my next post topic with this statement:
"Man, I wish I'd been able to participate in more I Heart Faces"... be sure to come back and see what I mean by that! I think you'll like it.
Happy Birthday!!! I'll be that old on my next birthday, too (but I write it a bit differently. I start it with a 2 instead of a 3 to make myself feel better)
Ali - We haven't done "FORMAL" art training, but we enjoyed GeeArt (now called Creativity Express software - you can purchase it through Amazon, I think). I am an affiliate with them, but haven't ever put a button on my blog because my laptop was having trouble loading the program. They are also ONLINE. If you do a keyword search through my blog for GeeArt, you can see my original reviews. We love art... but have just loved it rather than 'studying' it. Besides that one art class we took with co-op one year - once a month with a public school art teacher who taught us to do projects (like weaving). My hope is to start doing more art studies with a Charlotte Masonish feel to them. I always daydream about this and rarely set aside enough time for it... hence the kids have become supreme doodle artists like me - because we lack the formal training with 'real' art supplies & techniques.
Robyn - OK, we will have to do an I Heart Faces FAIL linky each week. I'd love to do that! I'll even offer a prize for the first week - and we can be our own judges of the best photo! I'll give away a copy of Understanding Exposure for the first week. Or maybe we should make it a monthly thing "The Once-A-Month I Heart Faces Challenge FAIL Linky"... and the participants can pick from one or all of the challenges for the month (up to 5 for those months with five weeks) and post them for our review. :) I think I can handle a once a month give-away and judge - and we can rotate!
That Morgan is super talented! Wow.
Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment. It really means a lot. XO!
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