I just couldn't wait to tell you all the good news! I've got CRAZY good news. Some things are big, some are little, but I'm feeling really thankful for positives!
{Morgan took that photo up there. Her and the big brother were goofing off today at our family reunion we attended. I love to see them being creative and getting along.}
If you had been at my house this week, you might have seen me doing my happy dance (a few times). Much like a little kid bursting at the seams, I MUST SHARE!
1. GM has offered me a vehicle to drive to Relevant in. FOR FREE. Of course, I have to return it when we get back from Hershey, but HELLO? That ROCKS! I asked them if I could advertise for them and they said, "We don't like to think of it as sponsorship, but rather GM just reaching out to share our cars with people - and in turn we hope you'll spread the word about how great they are."
Their response made me want to get a GM tattoo on my forehead. However, I restrained myself and asked for a logo for this post, instead. You might hear me twittering about them a lot between now and October, though. Just warnin' ya.
Their vehicle lease means my impossible fundraiser ticker on the sidebar went from $4,500 for the trip - to $3,300 for the trip. The rental car cost was $1,200. GM is making this trip much more possible for our family and we can't wait to try out their vehicle this October (and we hope they provide us one that is big enough to fit six people in)! Now we just have to raise the money for travel, lodging and food.
Would you be so kind as to follow Donna (my new vehicular best friend) on Twitter? She's @GMTexas! I heart her.
There are still a few Austin spots left, if I remember correctly. You can sign up - you just have to pay a measly 5$ plus the fee for using Evenbrite. It is going on all over the country, so if you aren't an Austin-area photographer, never fear - there's probably one in your city. Hurry to join up before all the spots are gone and they close registration!
I'll be the comic relief for the group, I'm sure... me and the Texas twang, that is. I'm still learning life lessons the hard way, so maybe they can give ME some advice while I'm on the show?
4. I got my books! My photo books I told you guys about (the ones that charged me lots of shipping fees even though they were free) finally came in (from Hong Kong - Artscow.com). I was impressed with them. They were SO worth the shipping price I paid. I am officially addicted to digital scrapbooking. Now if only I could find time for it!
5. I added a link to Mingle Monday at Robyn's blog. She asked for a favorite post of mine, and I just couldn't resist adding my french fry story. If you haven't read it, you are missing out. It could provide you with a hefty Monday laugh; I promise!
If you are a blogger and you would like to hang out with your invisible friends vicariously through the blogosphere on Memorial Day Monday, hop over to Our Homeschool Home and add your favorite post or something that helps readers get to know you.
6. There is music on my iPhone. It took me forever because the iTunes kept telling me it was going to erase my data if I synced up my music. I did it anyway and I now have TUNES! Finally. After an entire YEAR of owning the thing, you would think I might take the time to figure it out, right???
7. My blogiversary is coming up! June 8th makes FIVE FULL YEARS that I've been picking away at my keyboard and trapping Google Surfers here at Sprittibee!
I was planning to migrate to Word Press or redesign the site, but time got away from me... and the pocketbook is empty. I guess you'll have to keep having my orange template burn your retina for a while longer. At least it's cheerful, eh?
I guess that's it for tonight, unless I think of something else.
I hope you all have a fabulous Memorial Day! May God bless our military families and troops overseas.
In Him,
Hi! I've been following your blog for a while now through Google reader. I think this is the first time I've stopped by to comment. *blush* First off, congratulations on the vehicle! What a blessing that is...isn't God awesome? I hope that your trip in October is a rousing success.
Digiscrapping is so much fun! I became addicted to it about 2 yrs. ago, but haven't had much time recently to pursue. it. I use Paint Shop Pro 9.
Wow...five whole years of blogging? That's amazing! I've only been blogging for less than 6 months, and it's hard work!
Thanks for being such an inspiration to us all, Heather. God bless you.
You have over 500 blog subscribers... If you put a paypal button on your blog and asked each of your subscribers to post $5 donation for you, you would have your money in no time. Now I know not all or maybe not even half would donate, but I would. And I am sure alot of other ppl would too. You could sell guest blog spots for $25 or $35 where if they donate that much you will let them post a guest post on your blog (approved post of course) and do 2 or 3 of those a week and that's over $100 a week. Anybody would love to guest post and have that post link back to their own blog when you have over 500 subscribers. Just something to think about, some ways to generate some money. Where there's a will there's a way, as you have seen through GM's generous offer of a car for your trip. If they are wanting to make you an offer like that I would MAKE SURE they know you need one that seats 6. Probably a Suburban or Tahoe. I am sure they want to accomodtae your needs. Too bad you can't get a hotal chain to sponsor your stay while you are there, or even your stops along the way, like comfort inn or clarion inn, etc. I would check into that too. Check to see what major hotel chain has places along the way and at the destination. But, I am sure you have already thought of that too. I don't know why I am telling you stuff you already know. Just trying to help. Love your blog, love your pictures.
Wow. That's so awesome of GM!
Wow! That's awesome! And almost FIVE years!? That's awesome, too! :)
Yay! Congrats on the vehicle! Whoo-hoo!
I just need enough sponsorship to cover the ticket and hotel. I can drive to the conference. Say a little prayer for me, will ya?! And your yellow blog doesn't bother me ;)
Cathy - Thanks so much for leaving a comment! I know it feels weird to leave messages on blogs when you don't really "KNOW" the person. I promise, I am NOT an axe murderer. LOL Thanks for your tip on Paint Shop Pro. I haven't started to digiscrap on my own yet - just used the free book-making program on Artscow. Loved the results in print, though! :)
Peggy Sue - When I went to Blissdom I tried getting my Twitter followers to donate even .50cents each. I had only a small handful of people donate. It is sad - but I think most people think that everyone else is doing it and they don't. So then you are left with just a small amount. But that is better than nothing. I have a donation button set up under the Relevant Button on my sidebar, though (in case anyone wanted to donate).
I thought of the hotel thing, but I haven't asked. ;) I did ask GM. In fact, I drive a Ford, and I admitted to them that I own a Ford. I told my husband I wouldn't even get in it to test drive it because my grandpa was always a Chevy man. He made me and I couldn't refuse the offer after seeing the fully loaded Ford vs. the base model Chevy. ;) I have "champagne taste on a beer budget." I was so thrilled that GM said YES. I can't wait to get in their vehicle and hit the road (nomadic streak). I just hope I don't start pining for a new car after I get back. Mine is a 2004 and I have sworn to drive it until the doors fall off (or it stops running, whichever comes first). I'm NOT contributing to this bubble-busting economy by adding new debt if I don't have to.
Howdy Sheri and Jamie!
Tracy - Prayer said! I'm praying I can somehow raise the money to get across country, too. This will be my longest drive yet - and we've made some REALLY long ones. I've driven to Detroit, Asheville NC and Nashville. When I was a kid we drove to LA in California from Houston, too. I haven't ever been to the East Coast area. This will be a new thing. The DC field trip is something I really think will be good for the kids. I sure hope things pan out so we can go.
Hi Heather!
I've been to your blog before, but like a lame-o I've never commented before. Don't hate me! I also follow you on twitter now (I used to just see you pop up in RTs). Again, don't hate me for being late to the party. ;-)
I'm also following GMTexas so I can tweet cool things about you to them. K?
Thank you for linking up to Robyn's Mingle Monday. She's a darling!
I look forward to continuing to read your blog and now seeing you in first person on twitter.
I'm also a homeschool mom, but of one 7-yr old girl. I'm always looking for homeschool blogs to help me out when my mind goes blank. At at 41 it's more often than I think it should. Ok, what was I saying?
Oh, right, homeschool. I'll be sure to check out your homeschool posts. I liked your info about the homeschool sister swaps. That sounds cool.
Hope you can raise enough dough for Relevant. And if you get to Blissdom next year, I hope we can meet. I'm already saving to go!
Be Well.
Saving For Someday
Um, that is AWESOME! I am so glad to hear it, amazing! :-D So... I was reading your post, about Relevant, and was like, *wait a minute!?* That sounds like where we just moved to about 2.5 weeks ago! Yeah, Harrisburg is right in my backyard.
Obviously I am so out of the blogging conference loop, since I didn't even know where the Relevant Conf. was going to be held... so I googled it, and from my doorstep to the Hershey hotel is literally 35 mins., if that! O.o Kinda got me thinkin...
However, my hubby would think it CRAZY to spend that much $ on a ticket to a conference about blogging (which lately I hardly find the time to do anyways- but maybe that will change soon?) though. lol Hmmmm...
Anyways, when you trek up here, we'll have to get together, whether at the conference, or elsewhere. :-)
Well, I'll be praying you get the rest of your needed travel money so you can go. I also want to haul the hubby and kids (only 2 young ones). But we live in Ohio...about a 5 hr drive to Relevant I estimate.
Thanks for the prayer ;)
Congrats on the GM giving you a car to drive that is really cool!! I am in the same boat with you trying to get enough to go to Relevant. I am hoping that my hubby just says lets go and we can all make the trip and him and my daughter do the sites while I am at Relevant. I just want to go to the Hersey Store is all. :)
that is awesome news. congratulations!
Wow very cool, happy dances should continue. I love the photos especially the top happy child/camera image. Keep up the great blog!!!
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